Friday, December 24, 2010

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The bill on the university 'becomes law

The Senate approved the infamous university reform: they voted 'PDL, while Fli League and are expressed for the no PD and IDV. UDC, Bees, SVP and Union Valdotaine you are abstaining, but still, their vote and 'worth as a vote against. You can 'safely say that the baby Third Pole has not been able to agree on a unanimous vote, moreover, the same thing had happened at the House vote. The bill, therefore, it will become law by 161 ', 98 no and 6 abstentions. During the voting there have been occasions when the league gaiety began to heavily abuse Anna Finocchiaro, head of the Democratic Party.
The unfortunate news, however, 'has demoralized the collective student who knows a bit 'not expect and were already' prepared: "We knew that by now in the Parliament there were no margins, but the battle is not over. The many parades yesterday have shown: this movement can mobilize hundreds of thousands of students up to 3 days before Christmas, well beyond the canonical events of autumn. In the past few months has happened is a historical fact: a whole generation of students and workers has decided to take their destiny in hand, took an unprecedented strength and determination on the political scene, was able to block Italy to put the issues of public universities, of job insecurity, the future stolen from the center of public debate. And we will not stop. "

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Goldfish, Lump, Above Mouth

Environment Minister leaves the PDL, the laws did not postpone. Never.

Environment Minister, Stefiania Prestigiacomo, the PDL leave to enter the mixed group. This painful position taken by the minister in tears, 'due to the bill on the concessions business. The Prestigiacomo wanted to refer back to committee for further discussion on the law a provision about the disposal of waste on small businesses. Minister was in fact working a solution to be included in Milleproroghe and asked for the postponement of this text, for taking the time to present its claim. But this majority does not want to give anyone time to think about a bit 'up, even to those who make part of the same line-up because' we must approve, approve, and that's it. This and 'the government of doing, the mess of cheating and, more' in a hurry and do not people realize the deception.

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ratified the US-Russia Treaty on nuclear disarmament

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate, ratified the START Treaty on US-Russia nuclear disarmament. The Treaty was signed eight months ago in Prague by Obama and Medvedev. Its ratification requires not more than 1550 strategic nuclear weapons available to each of the two superpowers over the next seven years.
It 's not good news, but definitely a good start.

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From January 2011 Rome tourist tax

The municipality of Rome establishing a fee for tourists is from 1 to 3 euro per night. They must also pay all non-residents who access Host plants or taking a sightseeing bus rather than a boat on the Tiber (as these initiatives do not cost much ... right, absolutely right!). It starts from 1 euro fee for tourists and campers arrive to € 3 for those staying in luxury hotels. Really they do not know 'what to invent rather than halve their salaries dirty!

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Ddl Gelmini, a final vote today (maybe). They are all professional clowns

You can 'say that yesterday it has been successful: the Senate's vote on university reform and' was postponed until this afternoon (16 hours ). This decision 'was caused by continuous interventions by the opposition that led to long delays for the final vote. In addition, most probably, 'the Senate should have realized that yesterday, the Quirinale, pulling air of disapproval. This disagreement stems from an inconsistency in the Gelmini decree: Article 6 amends a provision of the 2005 even though the repeal of Article 29 altogether. For this reason, the Senate yesterday there were strong moments of hilarity 'that reached its height when Vice-President of the Senate, Rosi Mauro, concentrated to avoid throwing various objects from the benches of opposition, mistakes the proclamation declaring certain voting approved three amendments in fact rejected.
Beyond 'of delirium in the Senate, the vote' was postponed thanks to the delegation of students who met yesterday Napolitano, who has accepted and heard the boys showing a sincere interest in their arguments. This event 'was allowed by the peaceful and orderly conduct of the event in Rome. In general, the protests of the past have not caused great inconvenience, except in Milan: fifty boys, including several members of the Printing Okkupati, attempted a siege of the governing council of the highway. The initiative was not successful because 'all participants were initially detained in the cloister by undercover agents and then by those in riot gear have surrounded the University'. In Day of Pardon a banner demanding the resignation of Decleva.
While all this was going, the majority began to think of a way to lock down the text of the decree so that it can not return to the room for corrections. Because just yesterday and 'was approved on Milleproroghe Decree 2011 (which for the extension of certain laws, the effectiveness of which would otherwise expire at the end of this year) and then' decided to insert a Amendment of the Bill Gelmini in that order. Normal, no? No. In fact 'true that PD and IDV justifiably demand that the text back to the House for the changes, but as someone starts to get scared that you can break the eggs in basket, then you try to make the situation even more 'vague and messy as long as' the damn bill becomes law.
The next appointment with the great Italian circus, in a few hours. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Very serious restrictions on freedom 'of the press in Hungary. E 'was approved by the conservative right of a law Orban:

- The removal of the editors of news that will feed into a single center of news at the national news agency MTI.
- heavy fines to the media in the case of "breach of the public interest" or items "not politically balanced."
- The news will have to comply with a ceiling of 20% for reports of crime.
- 40% of music played must be of Hungarian origin.
- Journalists will be required to reveal their sources for issues of "national security".

Last night some 1,500 people have protesters outside Parliament in Budapest.
Orban and 'convinced that the new law is in accordance with European standards. Oh well ... if he says so we can rest assured!. IPI (International Press Institute) instead said he was concerned about the Hungarian situation, as well as the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), has expressed his displeasure on this very heavy "law gag.

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media under control of the Senate vote tomorrow on the reform, the event promises not violence but some police are willing to fraternize

Tomorrow the Senate will vote 'university reform. Meanwhile, the students organize a massive demonstration that will move 'for the capital. The student committees state that they will not seek confrontation with the police but that will impress with other "surprises." Still not 'been revealed the location of the protest, only that you know will not pass' for the center is now labeled as "red zone". Maroni, in fact, did close off areas of the House, Senate and the Palazzo Grazioli. Most probably 'the event will pass' to the Quirinale, and a delegation will try' to deliver a letter to Napolitano. The soft tones of the forthcoming challenge will, perhaps, the presence of some opposition members to accompany the procession.
This news is not underestimated by three police unions who have participated with some abbreviations student at a table comparison organized by the Democratic Party. It seems that some cops are in favor of organizing unrest in common with the students for the financial cuts that will cause 'to their salaries.

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'Ndrangheta, 12 arrests, including the director and some members of the center-PDL

Reggio Calabria, arrested four candidates for the regional council of the center-right along with Saints Zappala '(PDL), who was elected councilor in March. All of them would be offered to ensure the 'Ndrangheta major contracts in exchange for votes insured. Other 8 persons were arrested because ' investigated for criminal association and electoral corruption worsened by mafia purposes.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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slapped De Corato from a guy who wants to pay his fines

De Corato and 'been slapped in a bar in Milan by a 61enne Parabiago. L ' apostrophised first man calling him "Mafioso of shit" and then pulled from his pocket a bundle of fines, saying, "These are the pay you." The deputy mayor and that 'took us four slaps and even put his glasses, and' was defended, ironically, the spokesman Pisapia, John Zanchi who was in the same bar. De Corato do know that the 61enne unleashed will 'soon be terminated.

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Lukashenko wins again, fighting in Belarus on Wednesday

In Belarus won the elections for the umpteenth time the dictator Lukashenko. Demonstrate in the streets thousands of demonstrators, hundreds of arrests including four (or seven depending on the source) of the nine opposition candidates, many injured and concussion for the poet Vladimir Nekliaev (also a candidate for the opposition). ;
People complain heavy rigging: the voters, 30% would go to vote in advance by falsifying ballots. Lukashenko won with nearly 80% of the vote against an insignificant 17% opposition. Thirty thousand people in the streets demanded the ouster of dictator who wins the elections for the fourth consecutive time.
obvious but important to the U.S. reaction condemning the use of force against the opposition. An appeal for the release of prisoners arrives from Ashton, High Representative for foreign policy 'EU.
The last word is now up an Oscar ( Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe): are about 930 and 18 000 international observers accredited to monitor the local elections .

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Pending '. Confess the aggressor Cristiano

Waiting for Wednesday's event 'that will take' place in conjunction with the Senate vote on university reform, our ruling class began to sbabbionare: Gasparri says that there 'needs another April 7, referring to April 1978 date on which they were arrested leaders of the extreme left in collusion with terrorism. La Russa spoke strangely to tone down: "The thought of Gasparri has been misunderstood: he wanted to say that prevention is better than cure". But then, 'back when' and says "It creates a situation of isolation: the criminals are only 10 percent." 10% of who? Interesting these evaluations based on nothing ... Another remarkable appeal and 'always the leader in the Senate PDL: "Parents, tell your children to stay home. These events are attended by potential murderers. Should be avoided." Unfortunately, during clashes between police and young people, there have been incidents not be underestimated. But the killers protesters covered by Gasparri, who are they? All participants in the protest fraternize with each other, and those who do not act violently within the group of demonstrators and 'nothing more than an infiltrator. Fortunately, he infiltrates has been little, even during the riots of December 14 have left their mark: Christian, the boy hit shots helmet Manuel De Santis (who confessed today), and 'still dying. His executioner, but 'did not attend the protest. The protest was against a strangely armored and defended the police along with two other peers who appeared in fascist greetings.
This Gasparri knows?

Read the articles of the Republic: Gasparri insists: "Keep your children home in parades potential murderers"

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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Daspi for the demonstrators, they are not hooligans

The university reform back on Tuesday 'in the Senate for final approval. Meanwhile Maroni wants to extend Daspi, prohibition from attending sporting events to combat hooliganism, even the street protests.
Once again, the phenomenon of social mobilization and 'victim of a bad reading and a superficial and incorrect interpretation: students, researchers, all persons who participated in the protest because' really care about the future of 'Italy, ARE NOT EXTREME!.
black block No, no hooligans, just people. No organized violence, premeditated, just anger and a sense of helplessness that arise spontaneously from below. The disorder of the last days is not 'tied to a handful of rebels! Because 'the government continues to show blind and dumb in front of a tragic situation like this? The range of responses is not 'large: either the Italian ruling class has an IQ well below average, or you are shitting in but try to take care not to alarm the masses. 'Cause if you wake up the masses, if they find out that maybe these young perhaps a bit' right to have it, and then 'a mess.
Republic interviewed several children, among them, Francesco Brancaccio, a graduate student in political science at La Sapienza University of Rome, says: " Every act of government, each subsequent tightening of public order, show that they are afraid of our protest." Logical inference in the light of measures taken to deal with the protests next week, "S Aranno All necessary measures of public policy necessary to keep away from the center of the demonstrations. The old town was already red zone and will become even more, with the greatest mobilization of law enforcement. " Alemanno docet.
When you wish to admit that the dissatisfaction of youth 'is not reducible to a problem of public policy, will be' too late.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sayings About Identity

European Council on the big screen for the premier heavy tweet

B. Back in Brussels on university reform and commenting 'the latest Italian affairs: " It 's a good
reform and I'm not worried about public order. I have already said there are many centers of seepage into these events. But perhaps the government has it wrong: we have not sufficiently communicated the contents of this reform which all can be accused of being negative, except for students ".
Only an idiot in the position of prime minister, would not be nervous about public policy! B. you can 'say the worst but certainly not all and that' a fool. From his sentences will draw a perfectly designed not ever mention any satisfaction or defect. But in my opinion, this story of the "infiltration of the social centers, a bit 'disturbs the sleep.
pearls of wisdom of Prime Minister were generously distributed to journalists at the end of the European Council that yesterday afternoon, and 'was forced to shut down the giant screen on which were projected in real-time tweets of Europeans so they could 'join the themes of the summit. Today, the British newspaper The Guardian , detailing the messages of the Italian people who filled the giant screen of insults directed at their prime minister, "pedophile", "mafia", " Berlusconi pays for sex, the vows, the protection of the Mafia. Everything you buy can not be stolen" and so on. The system 'was then turned off when a user has started to write citations in the same b. including the quote about "balls voters if they vote against their interests" the leader and the phrase: "Mussolini did not kill anyone, even sent people on holiday in exile."
Despite the embarrassing incident, the European Council made it known that will repeat 'the experiment, but next time posts will be screened by a moderator.

Friday, December 17, 2010

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Issued boys in Piazza del Popolo, there is Maroni

were released all 23 students detained during the clashes in Rome on 14 December. The only end up under house arrest and 'that the minor had stolen truncheon and handcuffs to a fund on charges of aggravated robbery.
Maroni is very much in disagreement with the release, adding: " last Tuesday's clashes were caused by real criminals, a minority of professionals that violence will not want to miss the next opportunity to create violence and terror. They alone, in fact, taken hostage with the bulk of the procession unspeakable violence. "C onclusions approximate, and it 'already' spoken.
Alfano also does not lose time and sends its inspectors to ensure "compliance with procedural and substantive rules of the measure ordered by the court. But what does that mean?! You can not 'always trying to discredit the decisions of the judiciary, otherwise, these poor people, what do the judges to do?

Read the article in the Republic: Maroni: "I do not share issuance" It sends inspectors Alfano

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Towards new political

B. in Brussels for the European Council Parliamentary Assembly and is enjoying the victory with the bully boys of the EPP: "We won by three votes last night but I have recovered eight more. I spent all night to meet them when I would have preferred to meet pretty girls . No word yet on who these elusive eight, but it does not matter ... Eight sold in more ', eight less. Will not come from anywhere 'never a great loss.
This' is important, however, are unhealthy ideas that are taking place between leaders of different political parties: everyone there is no real stability ', the prime minister first of which will be seeking to unite all moderate and large into a single political movement. Bersani also think of a pact with the opposition, the third pole in the head. Gia 'per se' this third pole (still without an official name) and 'a truly unique assemblage. It 'obvious that Fini, Casini and Williams have given birth to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe alliance but of "a group". To think that the Democratic Party is wooing them to be '... More 'at the bottom of so' I would say that you can not 'get going! There 'so much' identity crisis 'and power that everyone seems ready to sell their political faith. It' true that we have to start somewhere to fight Berlusconi, but this case I fear that the union does not make the force. Suffice it to say that if the Democratic Party alliance must 'give up the primaries.
Meanwhile, b. intends to exceed the perfect bicameralism, to reduce the number of parliamentarians, to strengthen the powers of the prime minister to ensure stability in government and in order to promote an electoral law that guarantees bipolarity and governance. Optimal vocabulary that confuse the issue, but for those who can read between the lines of good intentions is not democratic.
After the work of the European Council, b. was maintained to pour a little 'shit with popular junior letting go the usual jokes: "The Italian company anagrammatist sent me an anagram of my name. Silvio Berlusconi: single male boss. "But that anagram and'???!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Congratulations to Stefy_Cuba for its beautiful photos!

.. All this and more in the forum I like an Egyptian

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Assange released on bail?

Today London will be 'tried Assange, founder of Wikileaks in isolation in Wandsworth prison on 7 December. The Australian hacker might be released through a deposit amounting to 240 thousand pounds collected by supporters, journalists and the two directors Micahel Moore and Ken Loach who donated some of the money.
Meanwhile, the Daily Mail told the world the true story of "rape" Assange was arrested for violating a Swedish law that, in a 'extensive interpretation, comes to punish anyone who commits any form of scorretteza on consensual sex acts also. The indictment and 'therefore consists of a unprotected sex, a little' Washington does not want to just give up and prefer to continue to look for evidence to indict the "damned" hacker. According New York Times , investigators would like to demonstrate the active role that had Assange in negotiating agreements with the U.S. military accused of physically stolen documents from military archives.
The final icing on the cake and 'brilliant idea of Clinton announced the creation of a new position, namely that of coordinator for the security of the State Department.
Greetings to the newcomer.

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Afterthought on the black block, this time were the "no future"

Republic has second thoughts, take a step back will remain the superficiality 'of its judgments. Today, finally, and 'can read something true and interesting events in Rome: " I made 23 stops for the Piazza del Popolo seem really new family album of a generation that no one wants to set eyes. What with the nihilism of the "black block" and the events in Genoa in 2001 has nothing to do. But a lot has to do with the curse of "no future .
These guys are a heterogeneous group apparently: there are 3 of Genoa between 18 and 20 years, a twenty-one of Florence, Pisa 2 guys, a couple of Turin University, and a boy of Trento one of Forli ', 7 young Romans, 2 girls, a carpenter of 36 years, 2 minors and one foreigner. What unites them to the the 'of insecurity, dell'avvilimento, anger, and the condition of the student? They are all under suspicion.
This morning, the 23 accused of r aggravated existence (the date is aggravating from having been stopped on the streets with their faces covered), and only in some cases of injury, ; will be tried for summary.
Open your eyes oh beautiful Italy! Republic also turn up their noses against the recent reports of 'AISI ( Homeland Security and Information Agency), which speaks an "antagonist movement" that is "violent magma" and "fertile ground for the infiltration of most radical sectors interested in promoting a social clash with the institutions." And 'old analysis and discounted! This time you have something to do with organized and there is no leader but the people, 'something very big and complicated to fight.
The only positive data emerging from this atmosphere of ignorance about the Palazzo Chigi, which hangs from the lips of 'AISI: well that he continued to tell him tales of the past! So, almost certainly, also wanting to face the true reality ' of the facts, the government would be unable to react in a constructive manner. When will 'the real tsunami and the ruling class will be' unprepared 'cause committed to rinse lettuce as usual, it will be' swept away without mercy '.

Read the article in La Repubblica: "The carpenter, the made off the stranger in the court faces of the guerrillas'

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby Has A Persistent Dry Cough

is not 'normal

clash in Rome. View our gallery
R EPUBLIC talk about black block at the wrong! such as black block? demonstrators yesterday in Rome were just people helpless, angry, desperate and have reached the limit of endurance ...
Why 'is always trying to write a justification for everything and trying to tone down to include events within the limits of the ordinary? if the protest goes wrong then were the black block ... 'Cause if it were the black block' NORMAL. But NOT 'NORMALEEEEEE! That 's what it should be noted: the events of yesterday were not caused only by a handful of global justice, subversive and revolutionary! What 's happened in the capital and' an evident principle of spontaneous game revolution from below! It 's a serious social phenomenon, which indicates a deep and exceptionally difficult: there were 90 injured!.
The government absolutely must listen to the voice of the people because 'the situation' destined to degenerate, as demonstrated by incidents in recent months and is' based on the manifestation in the streets to get to the protests from with the occupation of buildings and universities throughout Italy, from here, 'and is' stable government in the past with break-ins and occupations of the most symbolic' famous Italian monuments and reached the peak of tensions with momentary violence yesterday. Yes, temporary. 'Cause there will be' worse, the revolution and 'just begun and will not stop' soon.
If our beloved politicians had studied a bit 'of history and knew the ending that made Louis XVI, I was in them, began to have some 'fear! Why 'is not true that these things do not happen nowadays more', that, and 'a big lie and an illusion! And as 'an illusion and a lie to say that ours is' a democratic country. The concept of democracy and 'more' than the old revolution, the mistake lies in believing that democracy is well-founded and sott'intesa while, when it comes of revolution, is thought to be outdated idea. It is not 'so', the latest facts speak for themselves.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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L 'G8 deal explained to the kids ....

Section 9 of our Constitution:
The Republic promotes the development of culture and research science and technology. Protecting the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the Nation. "Read by Maestro Daniel Barenboim at La Scala

reclaim the recount of June 2009, updated on the deal told the G8 Notes from bimbipubblicata Miner's Red Day Friday, December 10, 2010 at 5:54 Sardinian Committee laid the groundwork 070,823,498 ------------------

reclaim the recount of June 2009, updated on ' G8 deal explained to the children

The foxes and a mother perhaps too candid, perhaps too distracted, maybe ...... Mamma Region, enticed by the idea of \u200b\u200ba closer look in the flesh of the great planet guests of honor at the Italian coach and be noticed by them, offers to accept in full regalia, will cover almost all expenses, provides disposal of State Mr. Prodi money of her children, € 400/700 million. Who denies the squandering of money, who considers defamatory accommodate the hungry, bloodthirsty Lords of the G8 is acknowledged with the reassurance that mom, news Pompadour, will win them over with his charm, make them fall at his feet and get unimaginable rewards. Mama and mister, just lonely and in full accord, decided to build 100 star hotels in the amazing and share out the tasks. The coach assumes the decision-making on procurement, time and pace of construction, choose the project manager, architects, companies, who rent the accommodation of mothers (ie today) and at what price and conditions. Provident imposes the Secret State, nobody has to know the details, nobody has to go nose, monitors the exposure Prezzemolaso. Mamma Region assumes the role of ATM, pay, and reserves the right choice of flooring, stools and mats, they commissioned the best stylist in the square and check with absorbing attention patterns, colors, craftsmen at work. Pays no attention to costs and finance the necessary infrastructure (roads, bridges, airports, etc.). By common consent, Mr. Mom and agree to observe a strict secrecy on the particular irrelevant that the hotels are fairy floating nuclear power plant near the U.S. (dileguatasi precipitously in January '08), in a place where you experience unexplained outbreaks leukemia and genetic damage. It proves impossible to hide the company open sewer that corrupts the selected area to become the futuristic gala room, Main Conference, where a disused military arsenal poisons are known to be always visible, too, asbestos and oil are obvious, everybody knows that also responsible for the ruin is the favorite son of Mr. State Mr. Defense. The problem is solved easily enough promise and magnify the massive, radical, secret remediation of the site. Mr. Defense, dirty by nature and far-sighted, is protected, assuming that convinces Mama-remote and absurd! - Completion of improvement works she will bear the costs. Everything runs smoothly even after the obvious change of actors on stage, Mr. Prodi is replaced by Mr. Berlusconi's Italy, by Soru Cappellacci. The beautiful early Silvio growls, he does not like the hotel in sober style "Minimalist Mediterranean", but continues to spend money Mama, suddenly, two months before the big event, abandon work in progress and runs away carrying away the remains of the loot offered by Madame Region. He says he wants to help the earthquake victims of the Eagle and tears to mom tears of emotion for so many charitable and Christian sensibility. The idyll is disturbed even when mom sees the disappearance of the "historical memory", the heritage preserved in the arsenal of old equipment (end of 800 guns, old machinery, etc.), the crumbling of the newest buildings in the gusts of rain and wind, the lack of sewerage system in the multimillion hotel built on the former hospital. He takes some grumbling when he learns that the most prestigious hotel where he poured the vast majority of our savings and financial future was rented from Mr. to Mrs. Emma in price from super balance, € 60 000 per year not subject to change for 40 years, ICI (predictably growing) of € 400,000 per year charged to mothers with an annual net loss of € 360 000. The consequences for not grumbling, are resolved in struggle, in the usual diatribe of blame on the former dominant couple Soru-Prodi-Berlusconi or the current Cappellacci).

Some of the foxes, love Adviser of the coach, have already ended up in handcuffs. And who jailing them and why? Region meet his naive mother who has fed to foxes and jackals would you ban or incapacity of understanding and will? Should criminal or normal rules of supply and demand, directing unsuspecting tourists in an atomic site is not quenched?


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The other night, during the last scenes of Cinderella, hundreds of thousands of children have found themselves in front of a scene gruesome tale that has turned into horror movies: instead of Prince Charming, her face appeared spotted by Bruno Vespa, with the writing reassuring "Yara and Sarah: how to protect our children?", warned the children played with serious disregard of the syntax: "We're seeing Cinderella, did dream generations. But who could imagine that a girl of 13 years disappears in 700 meters of road or another of 15 ends in a garage and not come out? Watch out, kids, tomorrow it could even touch you. " Then, seamlessly, reappeared the wicked witch: a relief for the baby-viewers. Someone else thought ofa interference Disney cartoon, the Load of 101. Other prey to nightmares called for the mother. Still others called the helpline directly. The Dalmatian burst in the tale of the bust to sponsor, for once, not his book, but the thirtieth episode of Porta a Porta Avetrana in the yellow building with that of the Brembate Above: the only arguments which still manages to make plays .

his letter to Corriere helps to better understand the grim broke: the Vespa is considered the Cinderella of television, banned, boycotted, outcast lepers in the leper because of a moderate who is not wearing a helmet and above leads to the only transmission a certain weight is not deployed on the left among the many that are broadcast on RAI, of course transmitted in the time that sacrificed (only four nights a week, moreover, does not broadcast worldwide, the modest salary of 2.1 million per year). Surrounded by a Bolshevik program for everything (including Tg1, Tg2, the arena Giletti, last word, Unomattina, Live life, your facts, the time signal, the weather and the extraction of the lot, where, however, the ' plague can always, no one knows how to place his books). The Sakharov

Noantri also denounces the cowardly attack suffered at a library in Milan by Piero Ricca, who has attempted to claim his life in army: Vespa Rich says that he came to insult him, but Rich says the Courier, and documents with a video that his were only questions. The last time the two met, Rich explained that the publisher of his books has the Mondadori thanks to a ruling by previously bought by B. of money, but he said he did not appear that Previti was sentenced to Mondadori (a casual observer might conclude that the journalist was the Rai1 Rich informed, not misinformed Vespa).

Yesterday, the mission failed in the Corriere, Cinderella has rejected an interview with the Journal. He revealed that when B. had not taken the field 17 years ago, we would have less freedom and an Italy that is a director Minzolini uncomfortable (never like his expense). He called for the expulsion of Loris Mazzetti: writing articles for years against his company and the U.S. would have been fired long ago (and who knows what would, in the U.S., a bust of Rai who is seeking dismissal of an officer of his company). Finally, the usual gnagnera: If you're not on the left, is placed between the servants of Berlusconi. Nooo! What sick mind could ever even think that? Now the TV Sakharov feared for their safety, even if it turns with light, and flashing autoblu: December 11 in Rome, during the mobilization Pd, someone suggests that I stay at home. Because maybe some of the basic mate ... I will go around quietly. Bravo: he will march as one man to show anti-B. Even at the cost of living. Whatever It Takes. Even because, threat, when there may be unforeseen consequences unbutton moderate: in the hospital, possibly double his salary.
James Salerno