Thursday, December 23, 2010

What Is The Sensation Of Hot Spots

Ddl Gelmini, a final vote today (maybe). They are all professional clowns

You can 'say that yesterday it has been successful: the Senate's vote on university reform and' was postponed until this afternoon (16 hours ). This decision 'was caused by continuous interventions by the opposition that led to long delays for the final vote. In addition, most probably, 'the Senate should have realized that yesterday, the Quirinale, pulling air of disapproval. This disagreement stems from an inconsistency in the Gelmini decree: Article 6 amends a provision of the 2005 even though the repeal of Article 29 altogether. For this reason, the Senate yesterday there were strong moments of hilarity 'that reached its height when Vice-President of the Senate, Rosi Mauro, concentrated to avoid throwing various objects from the benches of opposition, mistakes the proclamation declaring certain voting approved three amendments in fact rejected.
Beyond 'of delirium in the Senate, the vote' was postponed thanks to the delegation of students who met yesterday Napolitano, who has accepted and heard the boys showing a sincere interest in their arguments. This event 'was allowed by the peaceful and orderly conduct of the event in Rome. In general, the protests of the past have not caused great inconvenience, except in Milan: fifty boys, including several members of the Printing Okkupati, attempted a siege of the governing council of the highway. The initiative was not successful because 'all participants were initially detained in the cloister by undercover agents and then by those in riot gear have surrounded the University'. In Day of Pardon a banner demanding the resignation of Decleva.
While all this was going, the majority began to think of a way to lock down the text of the decree so that it can not return to the room for corrections. Because just yesterday and 'was approved on Milleproroghe Decree 2011 (which for the extension of certain laws, the effectiveness of which would otherwise expire at the end of this year) and then' decided to insert a Amendment of the Bill Gelmini in that order. Normal, no? No. In fact 'true that PD and IDV justifiably demand that the text back to the House for the changes, but as someone starts to get scared that you can break the eggs in basket, then you try to make the situation even more 'vague and messy as long as' the damn bill becomes law.
The next appointment with the great Italian circus, in a few hours. Stay tuned.


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