Saturday, November 14, 2009

Closing Tongue Thrust Gap


Hello everyone, this blog will The Prince, Prince. I am a boy of 20 years, and for more than 10 years I've surfed the Web. In all these years I realized that the Internet can give you all the best and the worst that it's up to you to decide what will. Unfortunately we all know that many times that even if they wanted the best, we can not get nothing but a poor substitute settle in order to avoid getting something wrong and end up on some shady site. Well, for you to avoid wasting time looking for hours and hours, and you end up who knows where I will help by providing you the best of giving small part of the web: the Torrent.
For those who do not know what are the river flowed to the end of this introduction, explanation and read it.

This blog will be present on many torrent games and programs, both in Italian and English, and above all be safe and fast. For sure
mean that you will not need to go to download on hosting sites windows that open up all those awkward encounters with chat and undesirable. For fast
mean that all the torrent, but everyone, on this blog will be always at a higher speed of 100 kb / s, in reference to an average connection speed (100 Mbit / sec - Alice).
premise that this torrent is for informational purposes / demonstration and taken from other sites, I do not assume any responsibility for the use that will be done once you download from this site, which in turn get them from other major sites, currently active. For those not

SAPES torrent here's the thing to be disappointed.
description torr ent : The torrent
are small files that can be opened only through a special program BitTorrent or other similar programs (Utorrent, Vuze, Azureus, etc.). They are nothing but links between us (our computer) and a server (or private) that puts us in touch with other computers of other people who have already downloaded the specific file, or, like us, they are still low. Technically it is nothing more than a static file containing information encoded using a hashing algorithm describing the file to be taken and / or transfer. A BitTorrent client any more than reading. Torrent file is also able to generate. Torrent file. What is there to

know about torrent (features and components):
There are some terms to learn to understand what comprises the torrent, and once learned you can even groped SuperTorrent procedures such as fusion, creating a new torrent, and other interesting features.
  • Tracker
  • Seed
  • Peer
  • Leechers
Any torrent file contains the URL address of one or more tracker (tracker ) used to locate sources that possess the file or part of it. The tracker is responsible for coordinating relations applicants to file between users and those who offer it. Usually, the tracker sites also provide statistics on the number of transfers, the number of nodes that have finished copying the files and the number of nodes that possess a partial copy.

The Seed The Seed (in Italian, "seeds") are those network nodes consist of those who have already finished downloading the file. Torrent and now they're only sending to others. This phase of only sending (upload) is called seeding. The first is the seed of a torrent releaser, which transmits a peer shares until at least one of them and complete the torrent, making seed, will take his place.

Peers They
not yet have the complete file and serve both as clients, to the seed, and server, to other peers. That said, we can say that once you have a file somewhere, our client will automatically upload (send) to other peers, which in turn contribute to the spread of the same parts to other clients. In some
BitTorrent client can find the words local peer, usually matched according to the local peer discovery. If there are peers (who share the same torrent) in local area network (LAN) is the case turn on this option as it allows you to connect to them more quickly by starting a search in the local network itself. I have to peer
the success of BitTorrent as soon as they begin to contribute only one party, thus increasing the total amount of data circulating on the network.

I Leechers

We have already said that in addition to peer downloading, also send data. The ratio of data sent and downloaded is called Share Ratio. Those who send only a few data than downloading (and having a terrible Share Ratio) are called leech (or leecher or leeches). This method of downloading is not always beneficial, it can lead to unwanted problems if you are in contact with private trackers, such as bannaggio by them. In addition, the leech are disadvantaged in the reception of data compared to peers.

Other terms:

In P2P, and therefore also in the BitTorrent protocol, the swarm does "swarm." In fact, this term means all the seed and the peers that share the same file. Torrent. In practice, if a torrent is shared by 10 seed and the same peer, the swarm for it will be equivalent to 20 sources, although you can not contact them all.


With client (in Italian customer), in computing, means a component (hardware or software that is) that accesses the services or resources of another component, called a server. A computer, then connected to a server via a computer network, acts as a hardware device and as such is called for precisely client. A BitTorrent Client

therefore deals with homonymous network access and download / upload from / to all nodes connected to it. The client is the key tool that allows the exchange of data.
The first was created by Cohen BitTorrent client based on what he calls "Golden Rule": a user a faster upload, the faster will be able to download. Following are born many other clients that fit the needs of different users.

List of major customers

I hope I have been exhaustive in the explanation, I wish you good download and good surfing.

The Prince


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