Monday, November 23, 2009

Pokemon Ruby Unlimited Repel

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland [Torrent]

series of games dedicated to Tony Hawk, the skater world's most famous, been going on for years now. Since its debut on the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 and then having reached the summit of success on the PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube, the series that could not help but go as far as "next-generation" console. The first next-gen console to "welcome" Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, the new chapter in the series, the Xbox 360.
The backdrop to this "new" adventure-based skateboard and BMX, there is no real story. The story begins, in fact, when your character (your choice once you have selected the story mode) arrives in the city of Los Angeles and from that moment on, your task will be wandering around the city in search of new missions and ways to earn money. But we try to analyze all the good opportunities it offers us the city of Los Angeles.

The only way to proceed in the story is to carry out the missions. In fact, completely, you can unlock new areas of the city and access to various "hideouts" where skaters can meet our own kind. Missions are assigned by the numerous and bizarre characters that crowd the city (marked by a pink headband on their head) just to talk to these vedersene assigned.
are of great importance to even the "goals of money," which are nothing more than requests to perform some kind of stunt on the part of some fanatics of skateboarding. This particular mission is instead marked by a green circle, is also located on the head of the persons concerned. The money you earn by completing this mission, there is useful if you are interested in buying new clothes and accessories for your virtual alter-ego.

In the shops of the city you can make purchases of different kinds. We can choose, for each type of garment, model, color, gradients, and any logos to be used in the front or back of it. The types of clothing that you can buy include T-shirt, pants, shoes, hats and any other accessories, all of course in hip-hop.
After choosing clothing with which you draw to the attention of the public, you can go to a barber to change the type of hairstyle. Here you can choose a new hairstyle, and if you like, even a new color.
Finally, proceeding in history, you will unlock new elements of characterization of the character that can be used in a "created skater," where you can create a new character to be used in other game modes.


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