Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Disposable Chinese Spoons

Infinity Ward Activision cites a group of employees

More incredible news from the world of Infinity Ward as discovered by G4, used thirty-eight current and former employees have said Activision for unpaid royalties and bonuses. According to Activision Rejecters would have infringed the law on the work of the California withholding payments to employees previously promised by the results of Modern Warfare 2 in an attempt to keep them "hostage so that Activision could reap the benefits of deploying Modern Warfare 3.
According to the indictment, a total of $ 82 million, only 28 have actually been paid. Infinity Ward now the Employee Group, the name of this group of employees were allied against Activision, asking a figure ranging between 75 and $ 125 million, counting promised bonuses, interest, bonuses, royalties and stock options. The group's lawyer, Bruce Isaacs, G4 to the newspaper claimed the rights of its customers against the American publisher, stating "Activision does not have no right to keep their money. "The group also calls for further now between $ 75 and $ 500 million in damages.

Dan Amrica Earlier this month, a former journalist industry who now works for Activision, revealed on the social networking site Facebook that bonuses for former boss Zampella and West were distributed among company employees, but specifying that the money would come only to those who would remain in the company, confirming the 'charge to "take hostage" to avoid further charges for escape from.

A seguire la lista dei nomi dei 38 dipendenti ed ex dipendenti che risulta agli atti:

Todd Alderman, Frank Gigliotti, Rober Abrahamsson, Brad Aller, Mohammed Alavi, Richard Baker, Chad Barb, Keith Bell, Chris Cherubini, Taihoon William Cho, Chris Dionne, Joel Emslie, Robert, Field, Steve Fuduka, Robert Gaines, Chance Glasco, Preston Glenn, Joel Gompert, Chad Grenier, Mark Grigsby, John Haggerty, Jacob Michael Keating, Chris Lambert, Ryan Lastimosa, Fairfax S. McCandlish IV, Jason McCord, Brent McLeod, John Paul Messerly, Stephen Miller, Zied Rieke, John Shiring, John Slayback, Richard Smith, Geoffry Smith, Jiesang Song, Sue Todd, C. Rayme Vinson and You Yang.

As always we will continue to keep you updated on the situation at home Infinity Ward.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Isabella Sopranos (cat House)

Period Black Infinity Ward

rise today to twenty-five departments in the home of the famous software house, which until recently had a hundred employees. Infinity Ward has thus seen the removal of a quarter of the total employees. After the resignation of five clerical workers this Friday, three others have followed their former colleagues: the designers Kevin Bell, Glenn Preston and Charlie Wiederhold.
Five more have left the software house yesterday: Joel Emslie, head of the main characters; Lastimosa Ryan, chief creative officer of arms, Brad Allen, Robert Field, lead programmer, Kristin Cotterell, a specialist in recruiting staff.

a blow for the home developer of titles such as Modern Warfare, especially in light of the fact that these twenty-five, twelve are already part of Respawn Entertainment, fledgling software company founded by former boss Infinity Wards Zampella and West in collaboration with Electronic Arts.

Now Infinity Ward seems in freefall.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Play Online Pokemon Red

we update the matchmaking Modern Warfare 2

Through Xbox Live Operation Blog, Microsoft announced that it has made some improvements to matchmaking Modern Warfare 2 primarily designed to reduce the lag within the match.
Improvements, in fact, will ensure that the servers of Xbox Live, when you search for a game, will match with players mainly located geographically closer to home as possible, in order to reduce ping and lag and make the gaming experience better.
course, there are also cases, such as Australia, where players are "isolated" from the rest of the world geographically, increasing the chances of finding lag in games. The new system, inform us, will ensure that Australians can not be placed together in a lot more often, solving problems.

When you search for a match, Our servers sort through the many available Thousands of matches to find the "best" potential games for you. We've changed how we determines the "best" and your country is now an even more significant factor than it was before. What does this mean to you?

As a gamer, you want to play in a lag-free game. This means that you need to be playing with gamers who are “near you” on the Internet. This is why games like MW2 ping potential matches to determine how close they are and reject them if they’re too far away. If you live somewhere that’s geographically isolated – like Australia, for example – most of the world is not near you. The speed of light just isn’t fast enough (that’s not something I get to say every day).

On behalf of the Australian gamer That we're now Trying Harder Than Ever to find a session for Them in Their country to join. Of course, this games Requires there to be hosted in Australia with open slots at the moment they're looking - But we've maximized the odds of Those gamers getting together.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reset Eminent Luggage Lock

3 (COD) x 2 (years)

We have confirmation of what some already knew: the blogger Dan Amrica Activision has revealed that the company plans to release 3 new Call of Duty titles for the next two years.
We used to have a COD a year, usually one by one developed by Treyarch and Infinity Wards, but now, as announced in other news, there is a third team to work, Sledgehammer. This team is not making the "usual" FPS, but a way of "a different kind that experienced players have never seen." It will be the first action / adventure brand, expand the sphere of fans around the COD saga and something would leak out at E3.
wait and hope to be amazed!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Does Midrin Have Methadone

News for the fan of the blog and the forum is officially open our page on Facebook!

Yes, we opened our page on Facebook where we publish news concerning the world of COD, I recommend subscribe Become a fan and invite your friends to widen the community!


Lendsey Dawn Makenzie

Activision: a Sledgehammer by COD will expand the audience

Tippi Thomas, COO of Activision, said that the next Call of Duty Games of Sledgehammer "broaden the audience" of the brand.
Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Tippi said that as the study - led by ex-Visceral Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey - will bring a touch of innovation "to the series.
He also reaffirmed, despite the dismissals of former executives Vince Zampella and Jason West almost two months ago, that Activision had previously said, stating Infinity Ward is "central" to the Call of Duty franchise.

Today, we have three studies to work on Call of Duty. We have Infinity Ward, who made Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Then we have Treyarch, who will release a game of Call of Duty in the autumn of 2010. Treyarch have also developed Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty 3.
And, very recently, we added the Sledgehammer. We have not announced the content of their game, but is intended to provide an innovative contribution to further expand the audience for Call of Duty.

Not much more then the COD Sledgehammer by the announcement of March, in which part will be a game like action-adventure, which is suggested by the fact that you can move in both the third in person before.
probably see something at E3.
Stay tuned.

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Games and Activision sleep

It 's always been a common belief that to do something fast-paced, at bedtime, would make it difficult to abandon the arms of Morpheus. Now an Australian research seems to refute everything.
The study covered a sample of 13 adolescents, between 14 and 18 years.
To all of them have been dished up a session of Modern Warfare 2 for 50 minutes on one occasion and the film "March of the Penguins" more then 50 minutes.
If the guys before the experiment takes 15 minutes to fall asleep after the COD session time is diminished to 7.5 minutes. After the film when the birds land children took 10 minutes to fall asleep (in one case in which a collapsed while watching).
Of course, the sample is ridiculous to be also significant In fact, the guys play video games much longer before retiring.
However, the result is quite interesting!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rikers Island Visiting List

exiles accused of sabotage for Infinity MW3

will know by now the soap opera that saw the duo involved Activision and Zampella and West.
[SUMMARY OF THE PREVIOUS EPISODES] If the answer is no, here's a quick summary: Activision is one of the major video game studios in the world. Jason West and Vince Zampella are, in fact they were the leaders of Infinity Ward, a small production house with a giochillo province, this 2 Modern Warfare, Activision has done to collect more than 1 billion (yes, you read that right, 1 with 9 zeros attached to the back) dollars.
"were" because they are gone, left the leadership of one of the team's most successful video game landscape. And this for a bad story that royalties were not paid Zampellla and West (a small sum of 36 million more in U.S. currency), with its cause is currently underway.
[THE NEWS '] Now Activision, that does not send if to say, replied: it has shifted the focus of the story on a new and certainly interesting for the fans: Modern Warfare 3.
Zampella and West held the final say on everything about the brand Modern Warfare as the leader of the team. According to Activision the two would have delayed the pre-production of the new chapter, the third, the title of war, because they had previously developed the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving.
So this sort of sabotage has resulted in delays to the start of the Making of Modern Warfare 3 and the consequent monetary losses to reorganize the team and everything else second Activision justify non-payment of royalties.
[THE END] Fortunately the story has a happy ending, not contenders that is slaughtered in U.S. classrooms in the coming months, but for fans of Call of Duty: do not know when, we do not know who, but one day we'll Modern Warfare 3.