Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rikers Island Visiting List

exiles accused of sabotage for Infinity MW3

will know by now the soap opera that saw the duo involved Activision and Zampella and West.
[SUMMARY OF THE PREVIOUS EPISODES] If the answer is no, here's a quick summary: Activision is one of the major video game studios in the world. Jason West and Vince Zampella are, in fact they were the leaders of Infinity Ward, a small production house with a giochillo province, this 2 Modern Warfare, Activision has done to collect more than 1 billion (yes, you read that right, 1 with 9 zeros attached to the back) dollars.
"were" because they are gone, left the leadership of one of the team's most successful video game landscape. And this for a bad story that royalties were not paid Zampellla and West (a small sum of 36 million more in U.S. currency), with its cause is currently underway.
[THE NEWS '] Now Activision, that does not send if to say, replied: it has shifted the focus of the story on a new and certainly interesting for the fans: Modern Warfare 3.
Zampella and West held the final say on everything about the brand Modern Warfare as the leader of the team. According to Activision the two would have delayed the pre-production of the new chapter, the third, the title of war, because they had previously developed the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving.
So this sort of sabotage has resulted in delays to the start of the Making of Modern Warfare 3 and the consequent monetary losses to reorganize the team and everything else second Activision justify non-payment of royalties.
[THE END] Fortunately the story has a happy ending, not contenders that is slaughtered in U.S. classrooms in the coming months, but for fans of Call of Duty: do not know when, we do not know who, but one day we'll Modern Warfare 3.


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