Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Need Some New Masterbation Ideas

One 'interview with an' Italian converted to Islam, married an Egyptian Muslim

1-How many live in egypt?

A: A will soon be 6 years

2-what is life like in egypt?

A: I personally believe that life in Egypt has its pros and cons, but the rest and 'so' anywhere in the world. This 'I like more' and 'goodness' and the selflessness of many people I have met and helped me at times rather difficult.
Not to mention that here ... it is always hot!

3-E true that there are many differences between the north and south?

A: I worked with both a staff composed of boys with boys and Aswan to Cairo and I must admit that I have noticed some differences. This' I hit 'more' was when Zico (from south) told me that in his village, to solve a marital problem is convened as a judge on "village head" to which all the esteem and respect

because you changed your religion?

A: I decided to convert to 'Islam after having deepened Religion in its main aspects and discussion with Muslims by birth. C 'were many aspects of Christianity on which they disagree and that seemed "strange" Unfortunately or fortunately, I can not believe a thing if I do not understand fully ... for example if you ask the Priest "and as' possible that Jesus 'died, resurrected after 3 days and then again raised to the sky ???", told me alone "and' word of God then you believe it." I have never endured the charges
... Now I found all the answers I was looking for. Of course, there 's always a lot to study, but this is not' a certain obstacle if you really believe.

5-It 's true that the Quran is written that the husband can beat his wife?

A: 'Islam condemns domestic violence.
The question of 'and' lawful beat women "often arises when you look at the verse 34 of Surah IV: "(...) reprimand those whose part you fear insubordination, leave them alone in their beds, beat them. If we obey you, do nothing further against them. Allah is Most High, great. "
Often those who stop to read what ', without going into the question it', just read the footnotes' page ... says "here it is! women are beaten and locked in the house! ".

dwell for a moment if you find out (I'm sorry for them) that is not 'so'.
Read well: it begins with a rebuke, then the 'exclusion of the marital relationship, for the ultimate punishment: and about this, the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed (pbsdl)' s has very strongly discouraged and, in cases extreme permitted provided that the data Let them shots with a handkerchief or a Siwak (wand clean your teeth) while avoiding the face.
In another hadith, he (pbsdl) said clearly to the effect of beating his wife in the extreme case mentioned above: "The best of you will not be beaten."

If We want to hear to be even more 'fussy, we should also consider the following: the verb in the original text and' used in the imperative form, "idribûhunna - beat them." This use of the verb form is known in Arabic under the name "Al-Amru ba'd-n-nahy" (the order following the ban). You should open a long discussion about the use of this verb form.

The Qur'an puts on man 'responsibility' to protect and support his family, he must provide his wife giving her everything 'which you need to live.
Given these respinsabilita ', the Quran offers to' man a place of leadership, but this does not mean that he should "dominate" the woman!
the contrary, in Surah XXX, v. 21: "And among His signs is that He created you, for you, the brides, so rest in them, and has set between you love and tenderness"

It said the 'left Allah (pbsdl): "The best of you is the best in respect of his wives."
And yet, he (pbsdl) confirmed the words of the Companion Salman al-farce (radiallaahu 'anhu) who said: "Know that Allah has rights over you, that your" nafs "(your person) has rights over you and your wife has rights over you, then gives each one his right. "
can continue much longer but I think this is sufficient as a basis.

6-What are the rights of women in Islam

A: The woman, according to 'Islam, rights and obligations just like' man, both in religion as in family life. According to Islam the woman and man are equal by birth:
"Men, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them drew many men and women . "(4:1)
Before 'daughters have Islam was considered a disgrace, with the coming of Islam they got the honor they deserve. The daughter's right to inherit property from both the father and mother (in some cases of siblings and other close relatives). The father is responsible for all his needs, his brothers after him until his (her) marriage. After that 'the responsibility' goes in hands of her husband because 'the money she earns and' his (her) property 'and is' always you who decides whether to participate or not to household expenses.
She has the right to own property, to trade and to keep itself 'earnings.

Furthermore, no married man can stay away from his home for more than four months without the permission of his wife.
And if the woman realizes that her husband does not act properly against and does not give all his rights, she can file for divorce (although it must be considered as a last resort).
In the family, between the two parents, and 'the mother to have more rights. L 'Islam in fact gave them a place that no other company has acknowledged. The Prophet Mohammed (pbsdl) said: "Paradise is under the feet of your mother."
Finally, education and education have an obligation for all believers, male or female.
These are, briefly, the main rights of Muslim women.

7-How long have you been married?

A: In March there will be two years of marriage (how time flies!)

8-Quality of life in Egypt compared to the Italian

A: As I said also in the first application, life here has its pros and cons ... and also depends on where you live, for example live Sharm el Sheikh or Hurghada is living in a tourist town, with the "attractions" and services typical of a zone of this type. Many talk about the 'Italian, there are discos, clubs, the' procurement of fruit, vegetables, meat and everything 'and nothing else' problem.
Living in a village south instead and 'a little' more 'difficult since Retailers (where to buy basic goods) were mainly' only Arabic dialect at times, and there are many possibilities' entertainment. Hospitals are certainly not comparable to those of big cities' and also services (taxi, bus service, doctors, buy vegetables and meat ...) is scarce. Sometimes the vegetables do not come right, or the meat must be at least two days before Penot breast 'is likely will not find it.

9-What do your parents have thought of moving to Egypt?

A: about my parents, well ... my mother has always said that seeing me happy was the most 'important to her, even though sometimes I say that I miss and would like to see me more often. The same goes for me, sometimes I miss my mother very much but we both know we will not ever, if you were sick, would not think twice to help her pack up and go (with the full approval of my husband) .
My father did not ' He took it very well ... not for the fact that being married to an Egyptian Muslim, even loves it!, but the distance that separates us.
would like to see me more often, would like to organize some good outings with us, wants to spend the holidays with me. And how he's wrong, and a daughter away 'a piece of heart was lost ..

10 - The application and obligation: do again what you have done?

A: Absolutely yes ', I would do everything from' beginning to end Insha Allah.



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