Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How To Resolve Bleeding Veneer

Qena, the way ..

I decided to tell this trip .. so that it serves as a lesson for all of you!

well ... begin ..

Departure from Naples Sharm ..
I had already seen it .. but always beautiful .. exceptionally hot .. wonderful sea and absolute fun .. but I was not happy .. I was missing something .. then the invitation of my boyfriend .. we decided to explore the South of Egypt .. travel to Qena .. where his family was waiting for us .. for the first meeting! (And that meeting would add!)

We are bus station in Sharm .. all men .. I dressed in a "sober", I was dying from the heat ..
are the 5 .. we go in this bus trip where I was expecting a 14-15ore. I see that old ladies are also rising Muslim .. are heartened .. I'm not the only woman! (Too bad fall at the first stop now ..)

First impressions .. are great!
whisper .. nobody looks at me in a strange way .. in short, all its business is done .. and I am super excited .. gasping from the heat .. but I'm happy .. shake hands with my little man while I describes the landscape .. (Emotion I did not even have a picture -_- )

We are sitting in seats 48-49 .. the penultimate in total relaxation and tranquility ..
drivers often alternate with the "stations" (in quotes because it is reluctant to give this term), where it all down .. to go to the bathroom .. smoking a cigarette .. buy something etc..
course, we go down .. and I can already see the first glances ..
and I wonder .. "But as we are close to Sharm, the center of tourism .. and I already look like that?" .. mha ..

We go and we continue the journey ..
Also in these stop-and down with emotion that I (and agitation) I had to pee ever .. then my bodyguard to accompany me down with me ..
As we continue .. eyes are getting stronger .. not by the people of the bus (now traveling companions), but those who saw me sitting down by the bus .. the locals in short ..

Almost half trip to one of the drivers .. called my boyfriend and I watch them from a distance still to speak to a service station .. when he comes back he says "the driver kindly offered us to sit on .. we are free .. 2posti for us, you know Malak? .. because maybe someone can give us back discomfort"
and I. .. I think to myself .. ° °, but how? behind those who see? we are so well .. ° °
a little uncertain .. but I agree .. we take our things and we move on .. but not forward any place .. but NEXT own! the first 2 places! ... oh well ..

E 'bedtime ... everyone is asleep!
except of course the drivers (who take turns yet) and me!

The first driver looks at me from the mirror often .. then look at my sleeping boy .. the other in the meantime prepared the tea .. ready .. I offer it .. and I politely say "no thanks la2a skocran =" .. insist several times (since I was a boy at my feet hoping to wake up .. but nothing!) ..
take tea ..
soon .. offer me a cigarette ..
same scene! .. "No thanks .. not really nice .. thanks but no thanks" and then ok, ok .. I'll take it and thank you ..
I was alone .. slept all .. and I smoke this cigarette and drank the hot tea ..
terrified by the speed with which the bus sped without headlights there was no way to get me to sleep .. not even one minute!

Time goes by .. and finally we arrive at a gas station ..
wake up my little man and we go down ..
account of what had happened .. (Since my thoughts on these two men had changed .. I thought they were really kind to offer me tea and a cigarette .. I had seen her alone .. maybe .. scared and disoriented ..)
dell'ometto the answer?! -> "WHAT ??????" (Echoed in the desert ..)
ahem ahem ..
super mega quarrel!
"not had to do .. because you accepted them .. you can not talk to her .. what now I speak Arabic? ... You could not say no thanks?"
"I understand why we wanted to sit on .. the str *** "etc.etc. etc.
'll spare you the rest.

cmq ..
Starting over ..
The night is wonderful .. .. the desert there is not even a light in the distance ..
the sky is a carpet of stars .. silence ..
but I still was not sleeping! ! and my little man does not sleep until I did it!
The driver kept looking at me from the mirror ..
to end the arms dell'ometto I fall asleep ...

perhaps half an hour passes ..
I wake up the lights ... was an 'ambulance!
many cars passing slowly .. we see a crumpled car and a truck overturned ..
a doctor performing a cardiac message .. but the ambulance siren goes without burning ..

hell broke loose!
my eyes are wide open on the road! not slept in!
fatigue on a lot! I was super excited .. nerve ..
every time we go down from now on, the better that no one speaks to me because otherwise I was able to kill!

Finally .. sunrise .. homes .. people .. women! Civilization '!
beautiful landscapes .. ever seen in my life .. I felt the heat barely ..

arrive at your destination ..
The city is strange .. almost turns a 'whole square to look amazing ..!
.. I was tired, I was hungry and thirsty .. sleep .. confused ..
I do not know to move the road .. I looked like a child who comes for the first time alone
the street .. a strange feeling!

take different machines .. machines? What did I say? Machines? Seee ... minimum of 70 new ones were!
But oh well I think to myself .. ° th We in Egypt .. Malak force with the spirit of adaptation: Do not make the princess and the pea! · °

The first impact with the civilization are terrible .. look at me everyone!
are an alien or something?
It amazes me that the only people who do not look at me are the women!

take another car .. (Super idea of \u200b\u200bmy little man to take one more for me to see the place .. but want to understand that after that trip now 16ore?)

last car I find a girl .. that perhaps taking pity on me .. looks at me and smiles ..
Wow .. I could not believe it!
I look out the window .. the road is clean .. the unknown landscape .. people have all their faces scarred by life .. There are coaches .. kids on donkeys .. women carrying baskets on their heads walking distance of everything .. fruit and vegetables in every corner ..
I was dreaming .. it is not possible that I could find them .. sure .. I ended up in Naples in 1930!

I was tired .. now I could not more .. I could not even keep my eyes open .. accumulated stress was felt as I could ..
Sisi .. beautiful .. really beautiful .. all new to me .. but I would have paid for a double gold at the moment!

Finally get home!

The moral of this story?
"When in Rome .. people who are"



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