Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sportcraft Arcade Hoops Locks Up


  • Young University 21 years Alexandria:

M : first Nationality, Religion are not a problem, the Most Important Thing Is Love BUT in case it's of Italian and Egyptian Great because Egyptians like Italians and Italians like Egyptians...the only problem is when there is someone with hard testa
NOUR : but u are muslim,can u marry cristian girl?
M :i can marry cristian girl if she is good se e' buona, Ok
NOUR :well, what do u think about distance?
M : no problem at all
1 ) to understand him and he understands her
2 ) LOVE
NOUR : Where do u want to live with her? italy or egypt?
M : sara' meglio vivere in italia
NOUR : babies muslim? or cristian?
M : for me Muslim
NOUR : but if ur wife wants cristian?
M : no
NOUR : in ur opinion, is better egyptian girl or italian girl?
M : Italian
NOUR : Why?
M : because I like Italy,I don't consider myself strange..
NOUR : okay, tell me, what is the sacrifice you do for your woman
M : my life
NOUR : but if ur family doesn't accept italian girl?
M : It's my life.. i choose

  • Dal cairo, anche lui studente universitario ma che lavora anche nell'ambito del turismo:

A: for me itale_egiziane couples are a common thing in Egypt I do not ever marry a course crisitiana
Nour : foreign and Muslim?
A: Yes, but crisitiana impossible for me to repent if vabbe
Nour: for you or because your family does not accept?
A: no, for me and my children of course should be muslumani
Nour: and if I were you rather marry an Italian living in Italy or Egypt?
A: in Egypt 'cause the woman follows the man and' normal for me
Nour: is important to you that children have the Egyptian traditions?
A: very important that they can not forget those who are
Nour: what you think of the distance in the mixed couple?
A: normal now and not 'a problem with that there TECHNOLOGY' now there is no 'away with the whole plane can
Nour: and what you think of Egyptian men working tourism and Italian to ask for money or just want to have fun?
A: are imbecile, but you know what all those working in tourism think the same thing, who want to have sex with them all, really disgusts me to hear these things ... may Allah protect us from these things
Nour: you prefer to marry an Egyptian or an Italian?
A: equal enough for me I like the character of a person and as said before t'avevo religion and 'what's important to me
Nour: your wife can work? or must stay at home?
A: as she wants if he wants to work Oh well 'if not, then the decision and' his ..
Nour: Describe your ideal woman ...
A: nice, a bit shy, polite, solar quiet a bit '
Nour: and what you think of love in general?
A: love and 'a profound thing for me I must first be able to marry this person, I must have the ability' as the money work home
Nour: six for or against arranged marriages?
A: ie '?
Nour: that is, if your family chooses a wife for you would you accept?
A: Certainly not
Nour: why?
A: I and I choose 'my wife and the one that will live 'with me for eternity'. I have to force me to choose it 'cause my family is not one that will live with her but I'm the one that will live with her

  • Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Christian religion from the Cairo

M: love is the most beautiful feeling in the world but it is difficult to find honest and as far as mixed couples Italian Egyptian favorable because it is a good cultural exchange ...
Nour: prefer to marry an Egyptian or a foreigner?
M: does not matter where it comes from, will marry the one my heart loves.
Nour: if one day your future girlfriend or wife wants to convert to Islam you accept?
M: If my wife wants to convert to Islam, I'll leave now!
Nour: prefer to live in Italy or Egypt?
M: where will I be better, but I hope in Italy
Nour: If you marry a Catholic, your children will have to be Catholic or Coptic?
M: does not matter if they are Catholic or Coptic because both religions belong to Christianity, is important for me to be Christian.
Nour: if your family does not want to marry a woman who accepts what do you do?
M: my mother always hope that I am happy if I will be happy with a nn tell you anything even if I want to marry a daughter of her friend
Nour: your wife can work? or prefer not to?
M: You can work
Nour: Describe your ideal woman
M: faithful and really loves me, hear what I say and do what I want now, keep away from things that make me angry but would like nn and must bear my jealousy.

  • Here the thought of another Egyptian in Cairo:

A: think that love is beautiful but what about mixed couples say dipnde can 'be nice if couples can live together and understand each other and sometimes the opposite happens
Nour: marry an Italian?
A: Maybe
Nour: a Christian or do you prefer that he convert?
A: not and must convert xke 'mlt important, in my opinion' and impossible to live a stable life between two of different religions
Nour: if your family chooses a wife for you as you react?
A: accept it if it were a just and good person, not prevent it, I do not care how I know ...
Nour: how to handle the distance if I had an Italian boyfriend?
A: chatting, talking on the cell and making videocall every night but enough nn x qst things feel really confident that there is another boyfriend because of his personality 'hidden behind the limit of the distance
Nour: prefer to live in Italy or Egypt?
A: In egypt forever
Nour: you jealous?
A: Who is not '?????? and 'an important thing for all men and women and indeed for most of human beings, but creatures that are not jealous, I am like ....... of course!
Nour: You'd work your future partner?
A: perhaps, but I'm not so sure
Nour: What do you think of Italian tourists who come for holiday in all locations Tours of Egypt? A
, but the Italian in Sharm sn always geolse Russia, I do not know because the Egyptians might attract more ;)

  • And here is the thought of an Egyptian who lives in Cairo by he was a child, but actually coming from a country in southern Egypt El Minya, then grew up with more rules 'precise and more' closed ...

I : The love of mixed marriages between Italian and Egyptian ..... in general is to say love has no age, nationality or religion, but according to me pairs of this kind suffer from many problems created by cultural differences between loro.Si, some can overcome these difficulties, but very few.
Nour: marry a Christian?
I: No, impossible
Nour: An Italian Muslim?
I: mmm ... is really difficult for me, I do not love a stranger, no offense sorry
Nour: No figure is not that you have to marry me :) why will not you marry an Italian?
I: 1 - 2
different cultures - not should know to educate their children according to our traditions and rules ..
Nour: if one day you change your mind and marry an Italian woman, where would you rather live? Egypt or Italy?
I: Egypt, my daughter must be true as Egyptian myself.



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