Saturday, February 26, 2011

Closing Your Eyes Sunbed

"I Am Legend" Franco Di Mauro

inaugurate a new category of blog, I'm going to create a special section to publish reviews on the best products to do business with the Internet.

course of my products are the ones I know best and in every detail, I'll then list pros and cons of earning opportunities of which I was the author until today.

My goal is not to promote my products, this blog is not born with the intent to sell, but it comes with the only real purpose to help create profit (or income) over the Internet.

This goal is easily attainable, but you will work, effort, and above all to study. To do this you will need a teacher, then you must invest at least a few euro in your training, otherwise you will not get away.

You can make money using the Internet countless opportunities to gain, as will treat all of them, I'll show you the best methods, systems faster and easier to make money with internet.

will seem impossible, but there are some really simple methods of earning online and available to everyone. The Internet is a vast world, has no end, you can make an infinite number of different business from your home.

Think about it ... this is the best part! The ability to make money directly from their desk at home. What other job can give you this opportunity? None, I tell you.

Internet is the only tool that allows you to realize this dream. I work from home for several years, so they are a concrete and living proof of how you can earn through the Internet. Many of my colleagues are just like me, working from home.

You can list several names, among them we find the famous Franco Mauro, we can name the most important Nicola Bertram, recently started his online activities also my friend Flavio carts.

find many other names in the network, all people who create business via the Internet, and then they have done their job. Let's start a review on a product that I bought myself, and I think that really necessary.

This e-book "I Am Legend" Mauro Franco. In my opinion it is one of the best internet marketers on the network, so I often buy their products to train and learn new things, to stay one step ahead of others.

The product "I Am Legend" by Mauro Franco is a complete tool, definitely suitable for beginners, to those who are now beginning to appear to work from home. You'll find a step by step guide with instructions in a clear and simple.

Maybe that's the best thing about Frank Mauro, the fact that simply fails to explain the things that really matter in the area of \u200b\u200bonline revenue. I know that Maureen may seem a bit like a 'nasty, has a way to do a little' arrogant, but he does his job well.

I read his e-book "I Am Legend", and I was particularly fascinating, which is why I decided to create us a review. It 's a product that I recommend particularly, especially if you do not know which way to go.

If you have decided to leverage the Internet to make money , then you choose the path that suits you and your needs. "I Am Legend" by Mauro Franco was born in my own with this objective, show in detail the best ways to make money online.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are Andy Sixx Peircing Real?

Beware of scams

Today we change the subject, I'm going to get on guard against those who use the web to take advantage of those who are inexperienced.

On the web there are many individuals who attempt to defraud most naive people, who are the easiest to get around, because they are often those who most need to earn and create an extra income.

Internet is a great medium, it is undoubtedly the most important and functional tool that has ever been created. But the Internet also has many flaws, one of them is the little control. In fact, Internet allow us to move to the network in an apparently anonymous.

apparently Why did I say?

Because in the end, all of us are easy to find! Anyone who connects to the Internet, with any type of connection (56k modem, key mobile, Fastweb, ADSL, etc..) Is always identifiable.

When we connect to the Internet we are given a sequence of numbers (such as 163.12.345.21), this sequence takes number of IP address. This number makes us easily identifiable.

On the web, so we are all traceable, but despite this, many people like to hide behind your computer to take advantage of unsuspecting surfers.

Let's face it ... makes it easier to rob a bank, steal, or remotely via the Internet, a person who may blindly trust us? Do you understand why the Internet must pay attention ?

There are many scams, but I will help you to identify as, you talk about the most popular scams, and the easiest to find. This does not mean that the Internet is not a safe place, does not mean you can not trust more than anything or anyone.

think that today most of the Italian purchase over the Internet. It 'a very positive signal, do not you think? This means that the network is becoming an ever more secure, and it means that the Italians are learning, and they know who to trust for their purchases.

Even in the gain Online scammers are (thankfully few), so you must be careful , you have to choose well those who believe. Some revenue opportunities you may be presented as infallible, but in the end you can also lose money.

we'll talk about later, in future articles. I created a special section here on the blog, are in the top left (category Scams On Line "). Without beam ... there is a fundamental rule is to not trust Internet sites completely anonymous.

A website must have a title, with name and surname. Beware of sites that have no contact, at least one e-mail should always be present. This is the main rule.

So again, do not give money to Internet sites completely anonymous, please make sure you have the personal information of the owner (or manager), and at least one email address for contact. The graphic says it all on the site.

If you find a graphic careless, a text is not aligned properly and that uses an Italian was not perfect, then do not trust, or at least get information first.

It 's always good to have a contact before proceeding with the purchase, this is true for any product you are purchasing. Often just a little 'common sense to avoid making trivial mistakes.

If you want a chance to gain serious and concrete, click here, so do not take any unnecessary risks.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Connect Hard Drive To A Sony Tv

On Line Business To Be You Just Start Working From Home

Today we talk about Business On Line, I want to briefly introduce you This argument has many facets.

When it comes to online business means any work carried out over the Internet leading to an even minimal profit, or that would create a steady income, month after month.

Internet offers many ways to what concerns the create business, and in a sense is a little like choosing their own way in "daily life", as if I were to choose the work that you want to be great.

You can choose to make the employee, you can make a builder, you can be a farmer or lawyer, you have a thousand ways to do it. The same holds for the online business, nothing changes, it is always a choice , and I assure you that this is an important choice (it's important!).

Just then this choice will depend on your success. There are different ways, you choose the best one that always the easiest for you, the best for you, to your experiences, to your knowledge, money and time you have to invest and spend.

can not be a lawyer if you do not have a law degree, right? So as you can not become a doctor if you have a medical degree. On the Internet there are hundreds of potential business, but you should strive to choose the right one for you, remember, and no one can choose for yourself.

No doubt you will find online business models are difficult, but I assure you that they are also very easy, so easy to just start! Exactly, you just have to get started.

Many people tend to procrastinate, but do not start doing so ever. How can you expect to get results if you begin?

You must take your choice and from , without hesitation, without second thoughts.

Then if you meet bump in the road, then you will think, but not wrapped my head before it even begins! Do not think you are incompetent, do not think you do not have enough time, not think about the fact that you fail, do not think you could spend the money, they are all excuses, and you know it well.

To achieve success, the important thing is to start, then gradually you will see the results, will enhance what is best, you will learn things that really matter , and optimizes all the work slowly. This, however, you may do so only after carefully choosing your business online.

What will you do after you start your first online business? I'll tell you what will you do ... you'll see the first earnings, touch them, and your enthusiasm will go through the roof! In doing so begin a new business, then it will boot into yet another, and another still, no limits.

'll see, will be the case, what will happen I just told you, 100% guaranteed.

I can even guarantee you, 'cause this has happened to me, as has happened with many of my colleagues, and the same will happen for you too.

not know where to start? Look .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tiffany Granath Mormon

... Is there really?

With the first article of the blog we have completed the necessary presentations, however, started to get serious, now dealing with a topic of fundamental importance ... "the Work From Home" .

Yes, work from home, this stranger!

How many times have you heard or read this phrase on the web? Surely many times, I have no doubt.

Hundreds of Italians every day looking for this phrase on Google, Yahoo and other search engines. Why Italians seek so often this phrase? I'll tell you why ...

Because today the Italians need extra revenue, because there is no work, because money is no longer enough to get to the end of the month, as the crisis continues to affect the our country.

These are the main reasons why most Italians looking for an on-line to earn some extra cash. Then there are those people who want to make the Internet their profession, but this is a different matter, and we'll talk later.

Probably you have also sought some opportunity to gain a network, otherwise you would not be here in my blog. But now I want to clarify something important. Work from home as they want the Italians, does not exist!

Exactly, that's it ... work from home working as intended employee, then a head with an employer that pays you a regular monthly salary, THERE!

're a little disappointed? But really hope that on the net there was someone ready to make you a lifetime contract, a contract of indefinite duration, which allow you to work from home 8 hours a day, for 1,500 euro per month? To do what? What kind of work?

Sorry, this type of work from home just does not exist. The employee is not on the net! Obviously there are people who work as employees, but are people who in the past have worked for some company, and have just moved to the "place" of work.

If you expect to find on the Internet someone who will pay as an employee, then you're wrong! But then ... the working from home does not exist? work from home there all right, but you must take the lead in working for yourself, you must be your own boss!

You need to create your own income, you must create your own "salary", and to do that you can use different types of business. Internet is a world without end, you do not even know how much profit potential to offer.

can earn in a thousand different ways, but you can not improvise. A doctor did not become doctor improvising, but had to study, practice, and only later became a doctor.

You have to do the same thing, of course, if you're not going to fail miserably to try first. Trust me, you will need to rely on a teacher and invest at least a minimum for your education, there is a better alternative.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Catch Phrase Sound Off


To do so just click the link given below:

or join our FACEBOOK FANPAGE "I like an Egyptian. .. and I'm fair! "

is the Statute of the Cause:

Egypt: land of culture, tourism, natural beauty. ... and revolt.
's right, the 'echo of the episodes Tunisians came over here and given the strength of the People to overthrow a dictatorship that lasted for more than thirty years.
But the Egyptian streets, especially in holiday resorts (Sharm el Sheikh, Marsa Alam, Marsa Matrouh, Hurghada, etc.) there is no war !

One of the main sources of wealth of Egypt 'is precisely the Tourism, stop it amounts to a break down' economy already suffering from the events of recent times ... even if you are against this * discredit * le vacanze in questo fantastico Paese, UNISCITI ALLA NOSTRA CAUSA E INVITA TUTTI I TUOI AMICI!

Egypt: Land of culture, tourism, beautiful landscapes...and rebellion.
That' s it, after Tunisia it was time for Egypt to fight for its Freedom, and the strong Egyptian people overthrew President Hosny Mubarak and his dictatorship.
But if you take a look to the most famous holiday resorts (such as Sharm el Sheikh, MArsa Alam, Hurghada and so on) you will find out that... there's NO WAR IN THE STREETS!!

One of the most important sources for Egyptian Economy is TOURISM and if we stop it ... ... We will bring down the economy of Egypt, Which Is Difficult in a situation in this moment.


How Does Weed Help Cataracts

The opposition does not repeat the mistake of 14 December

Every day that passes

published by James Salerno on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 8:21
repeat and even futile. In any other democracy in the world a prime minister would not be prosecuted for child prostitution remained a minute longer in place. Think of Cameron, Sarkozy, Zapatero. How could they pull it long accused of anything judiciary and information without risking a revolt in the streets? As if on remand with a motivation for a third judge, the investigating judge, who speaks of "evidence of evidence". But Italy's Berlusconi and even in these hours of chaos and shame, while all the news of the world start with the news that is unprecedented, at Palazzo Grazioli's too bad the party can still raise my voice.

Fregatene, hold on, go forward, so I advised the court in sales and parasites, to avoid being forced back into the void from which they were taken out (the real Italian miracle) pushes him back into the ring prepared to do so slaughter in order to save. A man with a residue of lucidity would have already figured out the noisy silence of Bossi that even the most faithful ally has boxes full. And that cold phrase of Cardinal Bagnasco: "We need transparency" may not sound like the tocsin of the Vatican?

The Caiman hurt anything is possible. But if it will listen to the voices of common sense indicate that as the only way out of the immediate resignation and then play the whole post on the board of elections. In short, if the last-ditch attempt castling refuge in Palazzo Chigi with his inflated majority of deputies bought so much per pound, then touch the opposition to come forward with a strong gesture, dramatic, unprecedented as it is high time that we live.

He's already talked about: RESIGNATION IN BLOCK ALL GROUPS AND ALL THE PARLIAMENTARY OPPOSITION. House and Senate already reduced to useless agencies dall'inettitudine the government could not survive. An extreme act. But get ready for any eventuality.

Antonio Padellaro, "to prepare everything," The Fact Daily, 16/02/2011

No. 54 Je Smith's Sons Co. Sausage Stuffer


January 25: kicks off the popular uprising in Cairo, and spread to all major cities' of Egypt. The opposition forces, especially the movements youth active on the internet, they proclaim 'the day of wrath' in the wake of what in Tunisia led to the fall of the president, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. Thousands of demonstrators take to the streets in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Aswan. About 15 000 protesters flock to Tahrir square in central Baghdad, the place became a symbol of protest against the regime, for the first time clashing with security forces. The violence in Cairo is killed a policeman and two protesters were killed in Suez.

January 26 to 27: The protest does not stop in the following days, when the crackdown by the police know escalate. At Suez, the agents fired firearms against protesters attempting to set fire to several government buildings. On January 27, an opposition leader and former Egyptian foreign director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammad ElBaradei, welcomed back to Cairo airport by thousands of protesters.

January 28: It 's a watershed date in the revolt against Mubarak. In Cairo, hundreds of thousands of protesters march in what the leaders of the main opposition parties, including the Muslim Brotherhood, have dubbed 'The Friday' of anger '. A preventive censorship does not help the government, which from the morning off the Internet and mobile telephone lines to prevent coordination of the protests on the social network. The government at the end day of a curfew imposed.

January 29-30-31: continuing clashes and demonstrations in the cities' Egyptian. Independent sources report that the violence and budget 'of around 100 dead.

February 1: More than two million protesters march in cities' of the country, in what has' been called 'the march of a million', one of the events more 'impressive start of the protest against Mubarak. Center of the rebellion and 'again Tahrir Square, where hundreds of thousands of people marching towards the residence of the President in Heliopolis. In a speech broadcast on state television in the evening, Mubarak declared his intention not to stand for presidential elections provided to settemnbre and that he would remain in power to manage the political transition. The Chairman announced the launch of political and economic reforms as required by the square. Meanwhile, the United Nations, the voice of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, reported in the protests have killed more than 300 people.

February 2: Some Mubarak loyalists attacked the protesters encamped at Tahrir Square. Dozens of men on horses and camels burst into the square in Cairo, clashing with opponents of the government. In the same hours you develop a fire inside the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, which is located near Tahrir Square. At least 10 people die in clashes between the two factions.

February 4: It takes an event dubbed the opposition leaders 'on the day of departure'. Two million people descend on Tahrir Square demanding the immediate removal of Mubarak. A million people took to the streets in Alexandria and also in other cities' of the country.

February 6:
Protesters celebrate 'the Sunday of the martyrs' in memory of victims of violence. The vice president of Egypt Omar Suleiman conducts a dialogue with all opposition parties to agree on launching a series of institutional reforms.

February 8: again a million people 'invade' Tahrir square, demanding the resignation of the president. Suleiman announced the formation of two independent commissions to work on a framework of political reform.

February 9: unions proclaim a day of general strike, with a significant membership in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez, where he crossed his arms as well as some workers Comapagnia Channel. There are violent clashes in the city 'Wadi al-Jadid, in the south, killing five protesters.

February 10: The secretary of the National Democratic Party (PND), Hossam Badrawi, said that Mubarak would resign by tomorrow. To confirm and 'even Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq. According to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Rais had already 'left Cairo, and the television State announces a speech to the nation's president, in which it was assumed that the Rais had announced his resignation (it was not). According to the Muslim Brotherhood and the speech 'registered. Sources report that the military airport in Cairo Mubarak left Cairo aimed at Sharm el-Sheikh. The rebels
Square, protests continue

February 11
Mubarak resigned . The announcement is the deputy Suleiman, that the powers are transferred to the Supreme Council of the armed forces. Tahrir Square, the announcement of the resignation of Nasser is greeted with a roar

(source: Nour and Adnkronos)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hepatitis C Black People

Webmaster: Mission Possible!

Welcome to the Blog , this is my first article, and I sincerely hope this is the start of a long series.

First, it seems fitting to me introduce myself, my name is Stephanie Manzotti , and a young Internet Marketer. But there hat is an Internet Marketer?

And 'one who works in the Internet Marketing ... Simple, no? :) Seriously, the Internet Marketing is the work of the future.

speaking Italian and most familiar to Internet Marketing is generally defined as the eBusiness , thus the sale of any product or service through the large network.

are in effect a dealer, but not work with traditional media (store, physical products, etc..), But I work only through the Internet, so with websites, pages sales, autoresponders, e-mail marketing, etc..

In Internet Marketing, as well as for traditional commerce, there were a number of market sectors. With the Internet today can you really sell everything, but I personally am solely e-business.

Too many technical terms to be the first article, right? :)

It 's very easy ... I deal with online business, or any activities that allow the network to generate income , active or passive. I consider myself a trainer for all purposes, my job is to teach how to make money with Internet.

My work can be done in several ways. There are those who organize live courses, some courses do audio or video courses, and some even organize virtual conferences to train more people through the Internet.

I do not do any of this, and I'll explain briefly why. I like to go to the point, I'm not a guy who gets lost in talk, because in all these years, I've heard too many rumors.

I Working with simple projects, projects immediate and clear, even for those who are now connected to the Internet for the first time. I like to wrap my knowledge and my "secrets" in digital books, called e-books.

An e-book is a book available directly from your desktop, almost always are in pdf format , which is readable with the free Acrobat Reader. You would not have heard about e-books, because they are very current and popular.

are on the Internet for 15 years, I think then to help you in the best way to create your "salary" with the Internet. I put quotation marks around the word "salary" because with the Internet you need to create your own income independently, there is no one who takes you and pays you.

dilunghiamoci Yet there too, of this and much more talk about the various items that will fill this blog. For now though, if you do not want to waste time and wait over , look here an opportunity to gain easy and immediate.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Does An Ohio Drivers License Look


of Hayat_2alby

Egypt: land of culture, tourism, natural beauty. ... And revolt.
's right, the 'echo of the episodes Tunisians came over here and gave strength to the people to react to a dictatorship that lasted for more than thirty years. But perhaps it is wrong to talk about * * force: this force the people of Egypt 's has always had and now has taken the confidence to reverse the situation, they can raise their voices to the sky and even higher.

long as everything was in daily routine, until the tourist city continued to live in fairy world * * between smiles and fun, we were all there to tout the beauty of this country, to confide dreams to a land transfer in pharaonic, to paint the local life as the best in the world ... ... but here
delighted that this dream is suddenly interrupted by reality: the country descends into the square, the revolt began, they shoot in the streets, telephone lines are removed, internet .... In some areas food is scarce, we kick off the curfew

... And this is how life begins to take the devious army HYPOCRITICAL , the volte-face ... some call them 'the way you want.
I'm talking about that group of people FOREIGN that suddenly by singing the praises of 'Egypt moves to complain, to denigrate
... How many times this week I had to read comments from people who have gone from a * Egypt are the best country in the world, I love you and adore you *, a * rather the 'Italy, here we are in the Third World are dying of hunger *.

congratulate you on your consistency. Excuse me if I tell you but in my opinion are a little bit ridiculous.
In many ways, the 'Egypt or love, or hate it. And if you love it, love it in all its positive and negative aspects! If you love Egypt 'then you're there, ready to defend it (even though you are far away ..) from it all, ready to join the public in his defense, those of solidarity with the People ... ready to spend whole nights on TV or on the Internet to follow events and report them in real time to all those people that you are anxious ...

Do you think that living in Egypt for 5 years or more makes you better than those who do not live there (by choice or necessity)? I'm sorry, but you're wrong.

Living in a country will let you know the mentality and customs, to understand the mechanisms that drive the daily life, maybe even learn a new language ... but I repeat, that live there NOT MAKE IT BETTER! Indeed .. sometimes you just makes more haughty and "sborone," give me the time.
Yes, it is useless ... who turn up their nose ...
And too many people make the 'big mistake to think that Sharm el Sheikh SIA' s Egypt, Children, good morning ... Sharm el Sheikh is Egypt and IN 's not the only reality that exists on Egyptian territory (thank God, I would add ...)

nobody forces you to live in Egypt, and never will have obliged. It was a your choice, motivated by different reasons, but if you get to the point of going around to writing that the Egyptian people must respect you just because you invested money (among other things, this too ... .. your choice) , or you feel more intelligent because you are a foreigner and come from the "developed world" ... well, take a examine of conscience because of the Egyptian people are no better, indeed are the demonstration of the industrial society makes people SUPERB.
and a board with all my heart, go back to live in your beloved Italy / France / Germany etc.. And then let me know if there quietly arrive later this month with the salary.

A note worthy of respect even those who have sought and received citizenship Egyptian utilities and / or because they likely did the easy way.
begin by clarifying the meaning of the term CITIZENSHIP: condition of the individual belonging to a state, it is connected to the enjoyment of rights and the performance of duties.
So, following a logic which, evidently, some people have forgotten, I would say that having citizenship in a country, means that you become Citizen it. Right? Right.

So if, for example, you are in possession of dual citizenship Italian and Egyptian ... Egyptians are your citizens.
local citizens took to the streets to demonstrate, many (too many) have died and many others were wounded fighting for their country so that in the realms of Democracy and tear down the dictatorial regime.

logical, if you missed it: I remind you that the Egyptians have died in the street for the rights of all citizens of the country , which also includes you because you possess the nationality. Or the flag-wavers and claimed only when it suits you at the legislative level?

How it hurts to see what it does and says some people who even managed to cast doubt on the 'love for the' Egypt of people took to the event with the Egyptians, even if they have dual citizenship. Or that they spent three days to eat because they do not foul and lentils There were money in the house and the banks did not give chance to pick up .. without complaining, since Piazza was who was dying for them. Before

to judge dear ladies and gentlemen, think about it then you are going to write. Why we do it fool you in the end.

Any reference to real events or real people is purely coincidental or