Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No. 54 Je Smith's Sons Co. Sausage Stuffer


January 25: kicks off the popular uprising in Cairo, and spread to all major cities' of Egypt. The opposition forces, especially the movements youth active on the internet, they proclaim 'the day of wrath' in the wake of what in Tunisia led to the fall of the president, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. Thousands of demonstrators take to the streets in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Aswan. About 15 000 protesters flock to Tahrir square in central Baghdad, the place became a symbol of protest against the regime, for the first time clashing with security forces. The violence in Cairo is killed a policeman and two protesters were killed in Suez.

January 26 to 27: The protest does not stop in the following days, when the crackdown by the police know escalate. At Suez, the agents fired firearms against protesters attempting to set fire to several government buildings. On January 27, an opposition leader and former Egyptian foreign director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammad ElBaradei, welcomed back to Cairo airport by thousands of protesters.

January 28: It 's a watershed date in the revolt against Mubarak. In Cairo, hundreds of thousands of protesters march in what the leaders of the main opposition parties, including the Muslim Brotherhood, have dubbed 'The Friday' of anger '. A preventive censorship does not help the government, which from the morning off the Internet and mobile telephone lines to prevent coordination of the protests on the social network. The government at the end day of a curfew imposed.

January 29-30-31: continuing clashes and demonstrations in the cities' Egyptian. Independent sources report that the violence and budget 'of around 100 dead.

February 1: More than two million protesters march in cities' of the country, in what has' been called 'the march of a million', one of the events more 'impressive start of the protest against Mubarak. Center of the rebellion and 'again Tahrir Square, where hundreds of thousands of people marching towards the residence of the President in Heliopolis. In a speech broadcast on state television in the evening, Mubarak declared his intention not to stand for presidential elections provided to settemnbre and that he would remain in power to manage the political transition. The Chairman announced the launch of political and economic reforms as required by the square. Meanwhile, the United Nations, the voice of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, reported in the protests have killed more than 300 people.

February 2: Some Mubarak loyalists attacked the protesters encamped at Tahrir Square. Dozens of men on horses and camels burst into the square in Cairo, clashing with opponents of the government. In the same hours you develop a fire inside the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, which is located near Tahrir Square. At least 10 people die in clashes between the two factions.

February 4: It takes an event dubbed the opposition leaders 'on the day of departure'. Two million people descend on Tahrir Square demanding the immediate removal of Mubarak. A million people took to the streets in Alexandria and also in other cities' of the country.

February 6:
Protesters celebrate 'the Sunday of the martyrs' in memory of victims of violence. The vice president of Egypt Omar Suleiman conducts a dialogue with all opposition parties to agree on launching a series of institutional reforms.

February 8: again a million people 'invade' Tahrir square, demanding the resignation of the president. Suleiman announced the formation of two independent commissions to work on a framework of political reform.

February 9: unions proclaim a day of general strike, with a significant membership in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez, where he crossed his arms as well as some workers Comapagnia Channel. There are violent clashes in the city 'Wadi al-Jadid, in the south, killing five protesters.

February 10: The secretary of the National Democratic Party (PND), Hossam Badrawi, said that Mubarak would resign by tomorrow. To confirm and 'even Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq. According to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Rais had already 'left Cairo, and the television State announces a speech to the nation's president, in which it was assumed that the Rais had announced his resignation (it was not). According to the Muslim Brotherhood and the speech 'registered. Sources report that the military airport in Cairo Mubarak left Cairo aimed at Sharm el-Sheikh. The rebels
Square, protests continue

February 11
Mubarak resigned . The announcement is the deputy Suleiman, that the powers are transferred to the Supreme Council of the armed forces. Tahrir Square, the announcement of the resignation of Nasser is greeted with a roar

(source: Nour and Adnkronos)


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