Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are Andy Sixx Peircing Real?

Beware of scams

Today we change the subject, I'm going to get on guard against those who use the web to take advantage of those who are inexperienced.

On the web there are many individuals who attempt to defraud most naive people, who are the easiest to get around, because they are often those who most need to earn and create an extra income.

Internet is a great medium, it is undoubtedly the most important and functional tool that has ever been created. But the Internet also has many flaws, one of them is the little control. In fact, Internet allow us to move to the network in an apparently anonymous.

apparently Why did I say?

Because in the end, all of us are easy to find! Anyone who connects to the Internet, with any type of connection (56k modem, key mobile, Fastweb, ADSL, etc..) Is always identifiable.

When we connect to the Internet we are given a sequence of numbers (such as 163.12.345.21), this sequence takes number of IP address. This number makes us easily identifiable.

On the web, so we are all traceable, but despite this, many people like to hide behind your computer to take advantage of unsuspecting surfers.

Let's face it ... makes it easier to rob a bank, steal, or remotely via the Internet, a person who may blindly trust us? Do you understand why the Internet must pay attention ?

There are many scams, but I will help you to identify as, you talk about the most popular scams, and the easiest to find. This does not mean that the Internet is not a safe place, does not mean you can not trust more than anything or anyone.

think that today most of the Italian purchase over the Internet. It 'a very positive signal, do not you think? This means that the network is becoming an ever more secure, and it means that the Italians are learning, and they know who to trust for their purchases.

Even in the gain Online scammers are (thankfully few), so you must be careful , you have to choose well those who believe. Some revenue opportunities you may be presented as infallible, but in the end you can also lose money.

we'll talk about later, in future articles. I created a special section here on the blog, are in the top left (category Scams On Line "). Without beam ... there is a fundamental rule is to not trust Internet sites completely anonymous.

A website must have a title, with name and surname. Beware of sites that have no contact, at least one e-mail should always be present. This is the main rule.

So again, do not give money to Internet sites completely anonymous, please make sure you have the personal information of the owner (or manager), and at least one email address for contact. The graphic says it all on the site.

If you find a graphic careless, a text is not aligned properly and that uses an Italian was not perfect, then do not trust, or at least get information first.

It 's always good to have a contact before proceeding with the purchase, this is true for any product you are purchasing. Often just a little 'common sense to avoid making trivial mistakes.

If you want a chance to gain serious and concrete, click here, so do not take any unnecessary risks.


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