Thursday, March 17, 2011

Welcome Letter To New Fitness Members

Marketer School Flavio carts

As you know, in this blog from time to time you will find reviews of the best connected in the field of "online revenue".

In this particular section of the blog will not find articles written by chance, there's always and only true and spontaneous reviews.

always talk of products or services that I personally tested for a certain period of time, I will avoid all those products that I was deeply disappointed or that I simply have led to unsatisfactory results.

Today I want to talk about a service that is called "School Marketer." It 's a new service, very recently, its creator is Flavio carts, an internet marketer that grows and improves every day. And 'my personal opinion, but it is a figure in the leg, as if they are few on the web today.

The Marketer Flavio carts School was founded with the intention to teach anyone , the aim is also to train the less experienced. Anyone will be able to work after this school from home, anyone can make a career in the internet business.

The Marketer School is a comprehensive training course in ongi appearance. This is a school, then you'll learn the most important things, the essential ones, also thanks to it you can gain the arguments needed to meet ambitious targets.

Flavio carts will show you the basics gain online will show you the best internet marketing techniques (including the latest, those born in USA), with Marketer School 's commitment required is minimal, in exchange you can get reliable results and guaranteed by the same trainer.

The author of the school did not want to leave anything to chance. Marketer School contains everything you need to start making money with internet. Without a doubt, on the web are dozens of opportunities to gain a different, but how many are really complete?

Sometimes it is difficult to apply business, and not everyone can put into practice what is being said. Precisely for this reason was born Marketer School, that personally I think one of the best services training in the web.

do not need to know basis, you need only a computer and an Internet connection. Marketer School was specifically designed for those who have no experience , is a school specifically for those who have discovered the Internet recently.

Many people are terrified of having to spend money before you see the first earnings. With Marketer School this does not happen, because you will be taught how to start various businesses, also completely free, without any investment.

Personally I was really happy with the resources that the Marketer School provides its students. I wanted to enter the school to see for themselves the real quality of this educational service , and I can say I learned something new that will help me in the future.

It 's a school board definitely for those who want to start their own business from home, those who need extra income, those who can not take the right path to achieve results concrete

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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How to become vegetarians in Egypt

What offers the Egyptian cuisine? Nothing more good pigeons stuffed, fried chicken livers, slimy mess prelibatissime ducks and padded to look like an ostrich in the oven!
Well I would say not bad right?
But for those who like me, eating only dog \u200b\u200bon the grill, carbon black, and only the liver is the word disgust is not the case to sit at the table!
But Go and explain to the mother-in-law suite with the breeding of pigeons, ducks, geese, chickens and cock! .. oh and happy kid!
The lunch time is always very very delicate ..
When I get up in the morning immediately run into the kitchen to see what's cooking (in the true sense of the word), and inside you can find everything. From the crow's foot to that kid! But the great thing is that as soon as she sees me peeking between the pans, runs and asks me "good try!" -_-
But I think a proposal to make, in the early morning to taste boiled rooster?
Only the smell haunts the house, when does the chopped of onions in the kitchen, my eyes burn in the dining room!
the morning, talking Nn, Nn you eat, and nn proposals are obscene!

For other Egyptian dishes almost nothing to say .. apart from the famous cammoun (cumin) that is placed virtually anywhere, so if you are allergic or intolerant (like me) be careful!
also good cook eggs for omelettes, Cause I know if you remember how many diseases you can catch with eggs cooked badly. And remember nn harping on something already fried before!

And then you wonder .. "and you eat in Egypt?" .. Everything! Just lean on vegetables, cheese, falafel and various soups (except molokheya).
Vegetables are good cooked in any way, accompanied by rice (cooked Egyptian "without water"), very good.

Well I think that's all .. nn I can only tell you ..
Bon Appetit!


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Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

Today I want to bring all of my attention on a natural disaster that is literally on their knees a world economic power like Japan .

I am convinced that the images in the last 4 days go on TV are able to touch the hearts of everyone.

distrastro It is a natural man can only stop and look. On 11 March 2011, a violent quake of magnitude 8.9 on the Richter scale struck the Japan. The violent earthquake has epicenter offshore, exactly 130 kilometers from the coast.

Then followed many aftershocks, some of them very violent, and now, in the eyes of the Japanese people there is only fear, suffering, perhaps even disbelief before this nightmare ... a real terror!

Imagine yourself 15 meters in front of a wave that sweeps away everything, people, animals, children, ships, cars, entire buildings! It should not be a better vision.

Faced these terrifying scenes is not easy to realize that our life, and everything that was once our daily lives, in a few seconds may not exist anymore.

Everyday on the news, we see images of people take to the streets in panic stricken to see what is left of what they had.

These people are looking for the closest relatives, looking for loved ones, that most likely there are more. Save me from this environmental disaster becomes a truly incredible suffering, as it is only because it is I know that most of those they love are gone.

I can only imagine the pain and suffering who are trying our Japanese brothers, and even the imagination brings me to despair. We can only imagine the pain of these people, we can not do anything else.

Clearly, all this happens in constant fear, fear that does not abandon, knowing that at any moment another devastating quake could occur.

But the chaos has not created the earthquake itself, but its consequence ... nearest the tsunami. a disaster. According to the latest updates, the tsunami would have caused about 10,000 deaths, and at the moment are already 500,000 internally displaced persons.

Kesennuma One third of the territory in the north-east of Japan, was overwhelmed by this wave abnormal, where it would have exceeded 1 meter in height 0.

In this news so strong we realize that man is powerless before nature, that unexpectedly can change the lives of us all.

Sometimes we think we are masters of the world and being able to control everything, but ultimately it is nature that has control over us!

Faced with this nightmare think our luck in our country such events are virtually impossible.

Each of us must live well in their life, and accept it with all its nuances, even if sometimes it is not like you want, but at least we have the opportunity to create for ourselves our perfect life !

In Japan you have to start from scratch, the lives of those people is marked by pain, but we all hope that what happened will soon become just a bad memory.

Tears MUST be brought back into smiles.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Gettyiimages Without Watermark

The dissavventure Malak

You may wonder, "But Malak has done it this time?" . Well my friends, the answer may be that negative nn!
Yeah I guess you're laughing, but now I propose to you a little question ..
In your opinion which of these mishaps happened to me?

A- Forgotten your computer Taxi in Sharm
B- My journey towards Qena 30h (how to reach Italy from Libya with boats)
C- I have spread my D & G underpants and chickens made them to shreds
D- Cats in the kitchen ate all my pasta sauce
E- I fed the dog and bit me
F- The child (grandson dell'ometto) I spit in the face
G- I lost the card Italian
H- was showing all the steps of the house 'little man and the goat has eaten the paper

Well, between those who have chosen? Option A? Option F??
eheheh .. wrong! I am happened to all!
no joke, but according to you and bad luck that haunts me, or am I unlucky?
In the meantime I wish you good luck to you all for your adventures in the south of Egypt! :D


Friday, March 11, 2011

Automatic Wish Post Facebook

Opportunity: Truth or Lie?

How many times, especially a child, you have to believe in things and in fact were not true?

In most cases the lies of our parents were well-meant, but how great was the disappointment after have discovered the truth?

certainly a big disappointment .

Even on the Internet you can meet a real sea of \u200b\u200blies, often want you to believe what does not exist and can not exist for real, and then they become the presumed certainty of doubt, it is no longer to make clear , confusion reigns supreme in our minds.

But you must know that the network does not exist only people "liars" but you can also find good people, people who are so as you see, serious and honest, but I assure you that these people can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

You can meet professionals that can help in understanding what is right and wrong, what really works and what does not work. Forget the easy money to make money with online internet you have to work just like any traditional work.

not is a liar who tells you "I'll teach you to work from home ," but he is a liar who will promises that you will become rich in two days. One thing that people still have not understood is that the gain from home there, but you should not expect to get rich in a day.

If you believe that you can become rich in the two days with the Internet, then you yourself WANT to believe the lies, but ultimately you know yourself that this can not exist. The only thing you encounter on your way to gain online is disappointment.

personally work from my home for several years, and one thing I hate is lying or false food hopes. Who wants to start an online business must know how things really are, the only way to reach some success. In fact, the first important thing is to have clear ideas.

Often the main problem of those who began this journey is just to not have a clear idea. You do not have to be a computer genius to make money with the Internet not have to be a whiz technology, but it's important to start with the right will and determination. E 'key, I assure you.

Another important thing, relying on right people and start with the tools . If today I make an income with the Internet, it is only because when I started I knew where I wanted to, and I had the right determination. I turned a passion into my work.

Over the years I have gained some experience, and everything I've learned so far is in my products. My products are the result of years of study and work. In my products are just my experience, nothing else.

People often say, "but I'm not able." Let me be clear, you can not know how to do something if no one has ever taught you, and I assure you that nothing is as impossible as you would have you believe.

If today I stand to gain with the internet, for tomorrow you may not make money with Internet? This is just to practice the right techniques, without wasting time and money. I think I can assist in this goal, I can teach you how to make money from home, you can achieve some success without telling you no lie!

Sincerity is first of all, just so you can really learn to earn with the Internet, and finally live a better life. People dream of a better life, but eventually settle for what they have. Nothing is further from the truth, you should always expect the best you can get only so far.

Are you really happy? you want to continue the life that you are doing for so many years? Or are you afraid of something, a fear that stops you and you do not get you anywhere? Delete this fear, is the first step to your success! Why not try to change things? I succeeded, and you can do it too ... no lies, remember?

not stay in doubt .... TRY!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots In Michigan

Gain Easy Living Happy Does Not Exist

One thing is sure, not born "learned" , at least so they say in my part. What does this mean?

means that a builder was not born mason, but had to learn other craft.

means that to become a surgeon that had to study for at least 10 years, in addition to doing many years of practice.

A policeman does not get that without a solid preparation , and this applies to any work or activity is conducted.

This is also true for Internet Marketing, namely the famous "work from home." Internet is no different, so do not exclude this rule: to do good work, you must first learn how to do it.

Many people today turn on the computer, go on the search engine Google, and search for these words: work online, work safe at home, telecommuting, earn online, earn money with the Internet, and many others like it.

What can you expect from this research? You can expect two things ... well, there are two kinds of people who expect different things.

There is a person who expects to find the opportunity that allows him to become a millionaire within three months, of course without having to lift a finger.

honestly do not know who put this item around, but I guarantee you that Internet does not become rich overnight, especially if you work hard, and if you have a good starting point (training, education and training).

not exclude that they can earn a millionaire within a couple of years, but we need experience, preparation, work, perseverance, commitment and dedication. Many people expect to find the millionaire opportunity where you do not need experience, work, or time to devote.

Of course you'll never find such an occasion. These people are so disappointed, they become suspicious of the Gain industry online, no longer believe, and tend to fail miserably , abandoning the search for additional revenue opportunities.

But there is another person, difficult to find. And 'that person often has a job and a family, is a person who becomes the butt to bring home the paycheck, but research on the internet extra income for better living, an activity to earn more and thus ensure a better life.

This person research into the words of those who dreamed million euro, the Internet, but unlike the first individual, has the force of will, wants to engage and succeed, and obviously does not believe in miracles and hope millionaires.

I assure you that even with the Internet, if you do not work hard, if not invest in your training, if you work hard, then do not come from nowhere, in fact, only spend money and lose the time.

This person unlike the first, however, is convinced we can do this type of activity, identified as one of the many business that the network provides, and it takes heart and soul invests effort in terms of money and time.

This person will be successful. I assure you. Start with small gains, like all the other hand, but it will come very far.

will start promoting affiliate products , then set your own blog, then just create a product and with it the first store site. Finally, learn to use the means of promotion of the Internet.

Within 3 to 4 years, this person leave his job to devote himself entirely to the activity on line. Unfortunately, as I said earlier, these people are extremely rare. I have hundreds of customers as assets, but this kind of person I've met a few ... too many!

Most people expect to get rich with the Internet in a few days. Some people even wrote to me reporting that would be "sufficient" extra income monthly from 2000 to 3000 € ... but I mean, are we kidding?

Fair a income from 2000 to 3000 euro per month? Who is that today has an income like that? Maybe a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, a lawyer! And you come and tell me that that is required is for you gain like this?

Usually I avoid respond to such people because they do not deserve response. This type of people want everything immediately, do not have the slightest intention to engage, study, test, work, and to avoid disappointment, I tell myself to let go.

If you are an experienced Internet Marketer, then you have to learn move the first steps , you have to rely on people who do this work, the only way you'll learn to walk with your legs, and go the distance.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Are Andy Sixx Piercing Real?

The short film Call of Duty by We Can Pretend Party The countdown is over and led us, as we had already discovered by a recent revelation, a fan-film. A fan-film about Call of Duty and shot "for fun", according to the words of creative director Jeff Chan, by the independent Can We Pretend. The trailer "Find Makarov," which Chan considers similar to live-action short film Halo: ODST, was written by the design director of We Can Pretend, Patrick Lo.
David Fradkin has produced the film and Nir Zahavi has directed the viral marketing campaign. The visual effects were instead the work of VFX Junction, Toronto's own company as We Can Pretend. Finally Chan declined the opportunity to comment on long-term intentions of the company. Now we can not help but leave the trailer video of live-action "Find Makarov", wishing you good vision.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wwii Aircraft For Sale

: We can do it!

It is not easy to live today.

say that much of the world's population survives and lives, regardless of this nation belongs to, there are no big differences between us and Third World countries.

Every day we turn on the television, waiting for the news, and we hear bad news inevitably, negative, pessimistic, which certainly did not help our mood, indeed, we further confirm what has become difficult to live nowadays.

not depend on money, it depends on how many properties you own, does not depend on how rich your family, it all depends on what we have around. The news you hear more and more murders of young people, a symptom of social disorder.

are certainly more bad news to learn the death of a child is a mourning for all humanity, a few days ago has touched the small Gambirasio Yara, but let's not forget either Sarah Scazzi and other terrible murders that we had seen in recent years.

You are losing the sense of life, and fault of society in which we live. Every day we hear about the constant increases of petrol, every day we hear of employment steadily declining, especially among young people. We hear of people who lose their job to 50 years.

Just today the news about inflation record, as much as 2.40% ... quite a bad record, because it is a significant price increase. Besides this, the constant concern for our neighbors, especially North Africa, where there have been thousands of deaths due to civil unrest.

This is a symptom of stress ... and that stress contributes to more stress, which affects everyone, poor, rich, wealthy, and especially "the average Italian." No matter get the money, because I assure you that not even the rich can live in peace, believe it or not.

The rich people can be theft, robbery, kidnapping of family members, and is not just a thought, it's an obsession that will ruin your life. Yesterday's news of a rich man who sailed on their Yacht with her family, wanted to travel around the world, but he has not gone well at all.

The family found itself I The Pirate aboard his boat. Yes, exactly ... pirates! Do you realize? In 2011, there are pirates ... they are ruthless people that have nothing to lose, you shoot without hesitation, and if you're lucky you throw into the sea to feed the sharks.

Unfortunately life is not easy, even for the rich, but who certainly has a lot of money is more advantaged than those who can not find the money even to eat. More and more people write to me to report on the economic problems that afflict them.

My products have an average cost of 50 €, a figure that should theoretically be available to everyone, but it is not. Many ask me to pay in installments that figure, often even in 3 monthly installments.

I think that there is no need to add more. It 's a tough world, but it's the world we have created us, and we must try to live always in the best . This article is intended as a reflection, regularly publish articles of this kind, especially with regard to events in the news.

We need to reflect and meditate , we all need to dedicate at least 10 to 15 minutes a day to reflect on everything that goes around us, on what conditions our life, about what is really important to us.

If you've thought about it, and now you feel the moment right to act , then click here .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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the countdown to the announcement of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3? No, all denied by Activision.

subject of many discussions over the past three days has been, without doubt, the news on a cryptic countdown which seemed to suggest the arrival of an announcement by Activision A new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. We know, however, that the same Activision, after a few hours, he immediately clarified that the countdown to that site ( ) absolutely does not precede the presentation of an unprecedented series of war related to the famous and, in addition, the communications software company has in store for the next few days.

This news, however, did not disprove, however, the existence of the mysterious countdown on March 2 that will bring you to discover something relevant to the world of CoD. The countdown and there is something true, and to reveal is the journalist and presenter Geoff Keighley of GameTrailers who discovered the site with the countdown belongs to the independent company, We Can Pretend to sponsor a short film with actors in acarne bones and dedicated to their franchise Call of Duty. A witness to the affair, the company has released two images from the video that we propose below.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 screenshot immagine image

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 screenshot immagine image