Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Gain Easy Living Happy Does Not Exist

One thing is sure, not born "learned" , at least so they say in my part. What does this mean?

means that a builder was not born mason, but had to learn other craft.

means that to become a surgeon that had to study for at least 10 years, in addition to doing many years of practice.

A policeman does not get that without a solid preparation , and this applies to any work or activity is conducted.

This is also true for Internet Marketing, namely the famous "work from home." Internet is no different, so do not exclude this rule: to do good work, you must first learn how to do it.

Many people today turn on the computer, go on the search engine Google, and search for these words: work online, work safe at home, telecommuting, earn online, earn money with the Internet, and many others like it.

What can you expect from this research? You can expect two things ... well, there are two kinds of people who expect different things.

There is a person who expects to find the opportunity that allows him to become a millionaire within three months, of course without having to lift a finger.

honestly do not know who put this item around, but I guarantee you that Internet does not become rich overnight, especially if you work hard, and if you have a good starting point (training, education and training).

not exclude that they can earn a millionaire within a couple of years, but we need experience, preparation, work, perseverance, commitment and dedication. Many people expect to find the millionaire opportunity where you do not need experience, work, or time to devote.

Of course you'll never find such an occasion. These people are so disappointed, they become suspicious of the Gain industry online, no longer believe, and tend to fail miserably , abandoning the search for additional revenue opportunities.

But there is another person, difficult to find. And 'that person often has a job and a family, is a person who becomes the butt to bring home the paycheck, but research on the internet extra income for better living, an activity to earn more and thus ensure a better life.

This person research into the words of those who dreamed million euro, the Internet, but unlike the first individual, has the force of will, wants to engage and succeed, and obviously does not believe in miracles and hope millionaires.

I assure you that even with the Internet, if you do not work hard, if not invest in your training, if you work hard, then do not come from nowhere, in fact, only spend money and lose the time.

This person unlike the first, however, is convinced we can do this type of activity, identified as one of the many business that the network provides, and it takes heart and soul invests effort in terms of money and time.

This person will be successful. I assure you. Start with small gains, like all the other hand, but it will come very far.

will start promoting affiliate products , then set your own blog, then just create a product and with it the first store site. Finally, learn to use the means of promotion of the Internet.

Within 3 to 4 years, this person leave his job to devote himself entirely to the activity on line. Unfortunately, as I said earlier, these people are extremely rare. I have hundreds of customers as assets, but this kind of person I've met a few ... too many!

Most people expect to get rich with the Internet in a few days. Some people even wrote to me reporting that would be "sufficient" extra income monthly from 2000 to 3000 € ... but I mean, are we kidding?

Fair a income from 2000 to 3000 euro per month? Who is that today has an income like that? Maybe a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, a lawyer! And you come and tell me that that is required is for you gain like this?

Usually I avoid respond to such people because they do not deserve response. This type of people want everything immediately, do not have the slightest intention to engage, study, test, work, and to avoid disappointment, I tell myself to let go.

If you are an experienced Internet Marketer, then you have to learn move the first steps , you have to rely on people who do this work, the only way you'll learn to walk with your legs, and go the distance.


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