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protests by Italian

tired of the abandonment of the state! I my duty! and the state must make its ... Share
Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 0:14
The Life Channel: touching letter LADY LUCK TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE ROUND REPUBBLICANote Il at 12:58
illustrious President of the Republic, my name is

Tondi Fortuna is a town of Caivano, a town north of Naples.

I am writing in the throes of a deep state of depression and loss, due to the sad chronicle of events which, unfortunately, we were the victims and protagonists, me and my family.

Distinguished President, who is writing the owner of a small family run butcher shop for years says modestly, but with so much dignity, my family.

But just do not take it anymore.

Petty crime is now rampant in our town is literally killing us. Last August, my illustrious President, a man with his face uncovered and armed robbery has consumed the ninth, and I say NINTH, robbery in my shop.

Nine robberies in less than eight years. Nine robberies, and a life that is destroying me.

of my story, Dear President, I have dealt with the local and national media. A story of fear, anguish and despair, which began eight years ago, in 2000, with a robbery which took us via ham, salami and other valuable products of our small business, dragging my family into the vortex of debt, of which still bears the scars on the skin.

But that was not the only price you pay to the crime.

Another sharp pain in my chest tightening, when I think of a robbery suffered six years ago, my daughter Emma, \u200b\u200bseven months pregnant with a gun to his temple. I still see his eyes in terror, and I feel the same pang to remember.

The same causes that I hold the thought of my first son, Antonio, and bullets that were going to kill him in another robbery, this 2005. And this robbery took me away, away, because from that day Antonio, terrified by the "near death", he wanted to leave. He now lives in Modena. It 'an immigrant my only son, Mr. President.

The same choice that made my third child Mary, driven by her husband, frightened, she decided to move Arezzo, bringing with it those two wonderful grandchildren that I turn around I see more and grow.

to think I have a great deal of anger inside. Not enough money and the merchandise, Mr. President. They had to take away my children, my grandchildren, the only joy in the end, for a humble and modest grandmother province.

should know, Mr. President, my children. Good boys, rest assured, that this state of things is turning into victims. My daughter Anna, the youngest, was only twenty years old, and already he is seen pointing a gun many times, soon lost the innocence of his youth in favor of a criminal system. Now suffering from a severe crisis depressive that, slowly, along with several specialists, we are trying to solve.

No, Distinguished President, this is not the plot of a movie. It sounds, but these are just some of the sad vicissitudes that have suffered and still suffer, as evidenced by complaints that the allegations in this letter in despair. The President

look, you look. And maybe he can try, or at least imagine the pain suffered. A pain that becomes even stronger when I think of indifference and the indifference of all those institutions that were supposed to protect, ensure or at least listen.

I write to you, Mr President, as Head of State and as a guarantor of the Constitution and all honest citizens, as is yours truly, who has always respected the law and has always believed to live in a civil state.

But now, Mr. President, I trust this is lacking. And I miss it all, from the first citizen of my country, the advisers to Members at all levels, that I have chosen to vote, I have abandoned. Nobody, except a few journalists who certainly have no real power, he and is helping me.

Sometimes I imagine them all already present at our funeral, as has already happened to some other colleague. I think the poor tobacconist S. Antimo, killed a few hundred euro.

I tell you, Mr. President, what should I do?

you give me a good reason, a good reason to believe again in the state, to believe that crime is not the absolute master of our city, and whether it is correct to respect the institutions.

am a simple woman, President, and simple is my family. Do not think I ask so much, we just have to work and live in peace. I would not live constantly in fear that someone of my family might, someday, lose the most beautiful gift, that of life in this small butcher shop in Via Clan.

I trust in you, Mr. President. I trust more in the Head of State.

not abandon me.

not I feel more than the trader robbed of Italy, but a citizen of free and happy to live, work and respect the laws of our Republic. With respect Distinguished


Attilio Modugno Oh Minzolini by crapa bald
you can not keep my mouth every time you speak
capped a crap shoot
would be better that the language
t 'had severed


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