Monday, January 4, 2010

Good Fruity Champagne

"Superior Stabat lupus

A lie has short legs.
The Prime Minister has used a phone call to TG1, as welcoming as a "house organ," to condemn the "factory of lies, extremism and even hatred" that feeds in Italy, he said, violent acts and insane as that immediately by Benedict XVI on Christmas Eve, and easy to symmetry, the one he inflicted a few days ago, in Piazza Duomo in Milan.

course, the Pope's misfortune, to which Silvio Berlusconi, in the absence of other harmonies, it feels similar, it has nothing to do with the political climate in Italian, because the assailant St. Peter's, a disturbed person as the one that had hurt the prime minister, is from Switzerland, where there are judges politically motivated conspiracies against tycoons information, sinister yet nostalgic of communism, mafia who collaborate with justice, and so forth. But the fact that lies have short legs, in modern Italian politics so gullible, counts for little: give the enemy's intentions, namely the "hate campaign" is the number one tool of propaganda.

For at least two thousand years: it is enough to remember the Phaedrus, the fabulist, without invoking his most famous contemporary novelist unsurpassed for Parables.
"Superior Stabat lupus, longeque inferior agnus. On the edge of one of the most famous streams of literature of all time, wrote the Phaedrus, the wolf was at the top while the lamb was much lower. The thirst they have in common, but the wolf's desire to attack particular trouble, why, asks the top, cloud water I'm drinking, "turbulentam Fecisti acquam mihi? How can
, replied the lamb, if the water comes to you with my drafts, "you decurrit meos haustus to liquor? Already, the excuse does not stand water, but the wolf, thanks to its means, has now prepared another: you have spoken ill of me, "ante hos sex menses," six months ago!
But even this work: at the time, it entrenches the lamb, I was not even born. Enough with these quibbles, "fauces incitatus unlikely," he says the wolf, "Pater, hercle, dixit mihi tuus evil."
By Hercules, then it was your father to speak ill of me. And with a leap and jump sull'agnello gives wrongful death, "iniusta NECE," offering the right to Phaedrus for the moral: "This story is written for men who oppress the innocent under false pretenses."
Now, this morality tale is not the case of Berlusconi for the eventual death of an innocent, as innocent lambs is very lacking in our poor Italy. The profound truth is in quell'inciso, "fauces incitatus unlikely" that throws Phaedrus there as hidden motivation of the wolf, "driven by his insatiable greed." Now, there is no political opponent, as any follower, which does not recognize the President has an insatiable desire: money, power, fame and popularity.

Where does this overwhelming desire that has made him the richest man and most powerful in Italy, "superior" to all as the wolf in the fable, and why that greed leads to his campaign of hate of which he accuses his opponents?
While it is true that "hate" word is too big in politics, where feelings are interests, but rather the "politics of resentment" that which animates Berlusconi, and his most ardent followers, those who devour the "Journal" or "Free", instinctively share and love.

Let me explain with an example. Champion of the politics of resentment is Richard Nixon, Vice-President Eisenhower in the '50s and later became president, after being beaten by Kennedy, from 1968 to 1974. Mephisto character, Shakespeare, smart and paranoid, able to rise from the dust like a phoenix policy, Nixon is the subject of an acclaimed essay published in America by historian Rick Perlstein, "Nixonland" in which he was accused of "having split America" \u200b\u200bwith the politics of resentment.

What is this? Nixon, Perlstein says, was "an obsessive collector of resentments."

petty-bourgeois origins, was able to get to Whittier College in California, whose campus was dominated by the "Franklins", named after the club had entered the university at which the children of the big bourgeoisie, liberal and snobby. In response Nixon created a rival club, the "Orthogonians" (more or less the same "square"), where he collected his peers: students less refined, socially insecure and commuters.
He had found his "majority silent ", which rewarded him by electing to place a" Franklin "vain, head of the student. From there the journey to the White House political Nixon, an anti-Semite who privately spoke like a trooper, will take place on the shoulders of the most rancorous. There is no

fail to see the similarity with Silvio Berlusconi, whose countless biographers have revealed the inferiority complex towards the Milanese high society, which had not been admitted by birth, the resentment of Confindustria, which had never taken seriously, the desire to conquer the "parlor" of Mediobanca, which reminded him of the little son of an official Bank Rasin. So the jokes vulgar, ostentatious the vulgarities, the prostitutes are tools vaunted emancipation from the "gentlemen".

But there is also fail to see the political far-sightedness: the disgruntled people, but also envy which hates the big bourgeoisie in Gianni Agnelli was a symbol, is much larger liberal snobs are economists with the Communists or dull r with cashmere.

is why the politics of resentment Berlusconi needs of victimhood ("chiagne and fuck," Montanelli said of him), in which the frustrated recognize. And that's why the prime minister, after defining in every way, even "balls," those who do not vote for him, hours accuses them of feeding a hate campaign.

Everything is upside down in the world of resentment: If I say that I envy you envy me, if I say I v'insulto insulted if I say I hate grudges ..

So far it has worked. Will it work? Probably yes, because the silent majority Italian Berlusconi forgives many weaknesses - political, financial, criminal, personal - and many more are left to forgive, if you will be unable to respond to the insecurities of "Orthogonians" Italians, but will only take around the singlet Bossi Noemi or the prime minister.

long as the over-confidence do not commit Berlusconi fatal errors: Nixon, dodger who had made her the nickname "Tricky Dick," slipped to the end on Watergate: Berlusconi to be a model, but it is also the only "lupus" of American politics to have been expelled with ignominy from the White House.


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