Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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Luigi de Magistris:
A new partnership with civil movements
Yesterday at 19:51
the number of Micromega
of 31/12/2009

The historical moment that Italy is I think it is going through one of the most difficult since the Second World War. After the season
civil passions of the late 60s and 70s, which seems to have remained in the collective heritage - unfortunately - only the result of terrorism, we began to settle in the country's sub-culture videocratica of Berlusconi.
With the early 80s disappears as the moral center of gravity of political action. The powers that be, an expression of capitalism based on the theory of consumers worldwide, maintain a lifestyle that has become dominant today. The drive for profit without rules, which is contrary to the principle of free competition, it becomes a policy objective and enterprise. Having started to gain dominance over being. The credit gradually ceases to be the cornerstone of the formation of the ruling class, not only of that policy. It begins to form a new class of merchants, politicians and fixers engaged in the dissolution of public ethics.
Birth, in this period of strong economic empires is also due in large part to the mafia capital and money laundering.
The 80s are characterized by the parallel between the mafia and political convergences. It 's the time when it consolidates the power of the DC and PSI and their ability to weave relationships with organized crime circles. At the same time, some entrepreneurs begin - through connections with corrupt politics - to base their fortunes. It 's the case of Berlusconi, but not all.
The discovery of the P2 interrupts the design of a design and authoritarian coup that led to dissolve the democracy in our country.
Among the early '80s and early '90s in Italian politics was consolidated to the underworld, which leads then to the explosion of the system Tangentopoli. Implode a reified world of illicit relations between politics and business. Italy was a country that in those ten years had "grown up" with a corrupt system that was the backbone of our national pseudo-capitalist development.
the early 90's there is only Tangentopoli, but also the subversive plan that puts the Mafia to its knees in the country, to deal with the new policy and start the process of its transformation into a mafia-mafia-government and business. Organised crime is no longer content to have referents more or less reliable within the institutions, but want to help govern the country's economy, finance, politics and even in institutions.
In recent years also consolidate new forms of corruption, with the latter is not done more, basically, through briefcases full of money or wads of banknotes, but by granting patronage of public office, seats on boards of administration of public participation, roles in top management, allocation of balance sheet positions, consultancy. And 'what the public becomes the object of commercialization on the part of those who should represent.
A corrupt system that goes especially for the management of illegal public spending and eliminates the conflict between businessmen and politicians, one of the reasons which contributed to Tangentopoli. The economic pie is large and can be co-managed, everyone can draw on public resources. There is no reason to argue. The political class becomes, as part of his fortune based on the illegal management of this treasure that should be common. The policy that becomes a business class has also a connotation that it should not be his.
E 'on this ground that the management is realized by also sharing the power of the center-left forces, in particular, I think the PD, in large parts of the country.
Over the past fifteen years this system was consolidated muddy constantly so that organized crime now controls substantial portion of the gross domestic product and affects a significant portion of the "public".
In this system, Berlusconi has found fertile ground to feed and spread: before riding the wave of populist anti-party period Tangentopoli, then becoming the third millennium of Peronism. Authoritarian regime that today in Italy is carried out and that he sees the moral violence and stamped paper take the place of the physical. The squads of the berluscones Cicchitto representing the fringe of the most subversive act in golpismo. This array of Peronism
piduista you want to fully introduce in our country is certainly polymorphic, occurring with many faces.
The concentration of power in few hands, maybe using the glue of occult powers which never hurts in designing the new technical regime.
The legitimacy of power must be guaranteed direct election by the people of the Cape: the return of the twentieth century Furherprinzip of memory, which has legitimized the leadership of the "short century" justify every choice of power, even the most abominable and arbitrary under a popular mandate plebiscite used as an alibi. To achieve this a valuable tool is the increasingly ironclad control of the media. The information-directed guarantee scheme to increase the consensus and to produce media campaigns to build foundational consciousness drugged and drugged, manipulated to be useful for political purposes-popolustico.
The scheme must then carry out the dissolution of the guarantee, the guarantee of all organs and affect the balance of power that founded the society.
autonomous and independent from the judiciary to free and plural information by the Constitutional Court to the Parliament, the Council of the Judiciary at the same President. The subversion of our democratic country buoyancy through the abuse of rights, the right to be unlawful, the ordinary law. These systems authoritarians need of formal legality, the apparent compliance. The authoritarian hammer is all the more effective if sanctioned by the rules. E 'authoritarianism of the normal standardization as systemic superstructure.
This dismantling of the form of an idea of \u200b\u200bnation state and as outlined by the Framers produced the erosion of democracy.
The design is a strong authoritarian substrate also in the dissolution of culture in our country. The impoverishment of the cultural debate and the imposition of a sub-culture are the lifeblood of the new Peronism. Thus the triumph of the TV commercial that bombards us with its system of (non) values: the tissues (ie the exhibited body as a commodity and goods offered, proposed as the only means of ascent based solely on appearances), his success as the exclusive economic conquest, life as only serves to implement the model of the "produce-consume-crack," we used to say.
Meritocracy, based on the study and the cultural sacrifice, commitment and intellectual training, arms of workers and peasants, is discredited and almost reduced to anti-value, branded as old and outdated, which is considered unnecessary as well as useless, probably even ridiculous.
the fibula in the third millennium exacerbates social inequalities, precarious work, hampers any form of income redistribution.
In fact produces an increase considerable social conflict in some way the power so that it can also be instrumental in campaigns aimed at demonizing the opposition and social policies and thus silence any voice that breaks the monotonous chorus of the autocratic ruler.
The caste system in government for years - who has lost his bond with the people who thirst for justice - not intended to address the economic crisis and the joints of a job because overcoming the logic of liberalism and capitalism without rules lead to creaking senile the scheme.
Peronist majority that rules the country clearly tends to criminalize all forms of dissent, indicate as subversives who seek to practice the ideals of justice and equality, threaten repression to intimidate the growing critical consciousness.
The use of illegal and indiscriminate repression has already been practiced in the recent past, it is clear that the regime does not tolerate dissent to a power system that relies too much on the ignorance of the facts by the people. That's because the system is afraid that the facts are known: a correct knowledge produces critical thinking and free, and this is the critical thinking and free flying for dissent and for a healthy and peaceful social and cultural rebellion.
The scheme, which is supported by the Areas of residual center-left fears the cultural revolution. He fears the practice of non-violent dissent and based on strong values. The scheme fears the noblest expression of democracy: defense and the implementation of the Constitution as a symbol of justice and law, as a model of courageous humanity, freedom and conscious. No
I think the Berlusconi-day can not be reduced to the mere request for resignation of the expression of apical system, the one that symbolically embodies the features most effective and obvious: Silvio Berlusconi.
On December 5 in the square and demonstrations against the authoritarian design and in defense of democracy. It is demonstrated against the plutocracy and against the opulence of the regime. It has been demonstrated for the implementation of Art. 1 of the Constitution, and against the precariousness of work and in favor of right of everyone to secure employment and paid fairly. It is manifested in favor of the weak, those who are forced to be social banquets are consumer waste. It is demonstrated for immigrant rights are severely affected by racist laws contrary to international law, as well as to human feeling. It is indicated for the defeat of politics as self-class professionals. It is demonstrated against organized crime and against the presence of gangs in their institutions.
It is expressed in support of public education that you are trying to dismantle. The engine was the desire for a revolution of hearts and minds peaceful and nonviolent.
That day a part of the country participated. He thought it was worth practicing social contamination. Bringing together thought and emotion. Turn the hearts, food passions. Contribute to a political laboratory through the Internet and the participation of the square, the free flow of ideas on the Internet, with the joy of finding oneself physically together in a mix of virtual and real novel.
E 'was a great day politics because politics has been that square. Greek and in the noble sense of the word. This great day of peace and democracy frightens the regime and the caste, who immediately tried to criminalize the squads using verbal intimidation of those who are close to the non- the de-legitimization of the politicians who want change. We want to stop but do not be afraid: the story teaches that before the consciousness and the dream that you are mass, the system can do nothing, even when they choose to use physical violence, and use the strategy of tension. In front of Peronism
a corrupt political class and strongly imbued with mafia must think of a great political project.
Piazza San Giovanni was an important moment of a political laboratory that is taking place in the country. Fundamental
are, I believe, a few steps.
First, parties who genuinely want to change politics in our country, from which class-caste Policy place for the realization of the collective good, should take as soon as possible representation of the height of a project that I think it is a reformist, but revolutionary. Peaceful, non-violent, but revolutionary.
In this sense we need a step back from the political class which has to give up the idea that it is business and business for a few technical rational, to make room for the teaching of Weber's "Politik als Beruf", politics as a profession-vocation where those who work in this field must demonstrate, always supports Max Weber, the qualities of passion, vision and sense of responsibility.
A lesson in Italy left frustrated in too many junctures.
There is no doubt that those who had participated actively in the event (IDV left and plural) has sent a strong signal in this direction, proving its willingness to be permeated by the civil society, so eager to take part.
The radical nature of the projects that you feel the need to pass in the country, but also through the involvement of that part of the truly moderate and liberal do not recognize senile capitalism and the welfare state in the distortion of law, which looks at transparency of the policy and still feels like a commitment to the ancient and modern "moral issue".

not forget that the defense and the implementation of the Constitution laboratory which also passes through political sensitivities and cultures.
The same sensitivity and cultures that gave rise to our Charter, the daughter of the best energy democratic national winners of Nazism and Fascism.

I think we must think of a great political project that unites these forces and lead them to finally have the ambition to change the country.
It must forge a stronger pact between the politics of representation and participatory democracy, because both of them, individually, can not reach the goal. The one that dries up in his closing golden key losing touch with society and its needs, the other because it threatens to slip into one witness, sluggish real decision-making power.
The pact must be based on some basic principles that are found in the Constitution.

The struggle for rights is the bulwark of political action.
The fight for civil rights and the enforcement of equal opportunity and sexual.
The struggle to work as a right guaranteed to all and all, without the yoke of insecurity that makes it impossible to design the future and reduces the future with frightening shadow.
The battles for the defense of legal equality and the implementation of substantive equality. The contrast
racism and xenophobia and to all forms of discrimination that includes a company, the only way to ensure collective security and propaganda to justify the operation of patrols and the militarization of the territory.
The fight against tax evasion and a major redistribution of income through alternative economic policies to those practiced by those who would favor the rich. New fiscal policies that allow you to allocate public resources in different ways: towards development compatible with the environment, passing through the support of renewable energy sources, the exploitation of nature, art and culture, sacrificing expenditure Economic policy of military aggression and preferring investment in research and training.
Nature must not be raped but it is the place where life occurs, and where work is done and prosperity.
I think it is important the alliance between political parties and movements, associations, networks, multiple realities of the secular and Catholic.

We must not make the mistake to divide, to split hairs, to find the speck without thinking of the regime that we want destroyed.
Unless we act now the penetration of this mafia system totally invade and erode the institutions from those antibodies still viable.
Now the scheme is aiming to make information progressively more servile and would reduce the judiciary to stipendiary articulation of authoritarian power, possibly hitting those magistrates involved in sensitive investigations on the relationship that this power has built with organized crime in the recent past too. So
newspapers and television advertise-directed inquiries about the dissidents, the arrest of immigrants, the accusations against anyone who dares to oppose the regime. We could end up with no more free press and judiciary, but of the regime. Signals we have.
Time is running out.
I believe that the formulas can be different to be together as long as you avoid unnecessary leaderism selfish and egocentric attitudes.

A possible formula is parties to open the Italians to value, as done by Di Pietro and IDV far.

The other - which is not an alternative - is to begin a constructive dialogue with the reality of the movements that they must meet each other and perhaps also of forms of organization and representation. Without organization
the battles are not won. The risk is that the sound loses its spontaneity and the potential for peaceful battles are not won. A pact between the alliance of parties that want to change this world and the plural associations.
Another aspect that I find very important is that this pact between the political parties or represented in the institutions and participatory democracy - one that vulgate defines the Peronist anti-politics - Develop innovative approaches for the designation and training of the new ruling class.
I think the demonstrations, seminars, cultural events, the Internet, I think a return to the political meeting that takes advantage of the valuable tool of the web. We can not, in fact, stop the policy of cards and a leadership legitimized only by the packets of votes.
The description of the methodologies of traditional leadership should not be demonized, but it is a stale formula, or rather, not exhaustive. We create opportunities to meet
where to build the shipyard, which consolidate the political laboratory.
prove that we unite the country, so diametrically opposite how the crime has joined in the illegal business.
We start from writing with a great political project, connecting networks across the region and on the Internet. We
information horizontally.
commit and abandon the comfortable lounges and venues. In consolidating the strength
also build the alternative to the government because the opposition to the regime is not an affectation, but have practical skills and know how to compete with the ability to lead the country.
the challenge even the best of PD, to those leaders tired of the caste system and a wink to Berlusconi that there were well over the years. Think of the extraordinary resources that practice sites what was the biggest party of the left.
finally build a project that both the left and then also the center, looking for a connection with that world that looks at the Catholic state secularism, pacifism, the guarantor of rights. We favor the people over their belongings. Without
"mess" opportunistic, but with the intelligence to understand that the walls can be folded down bridges, the differences are often nuances that the political agreement, although from different perspectives, you must find the content, programs, on objectives of social, political and economic to pursue. Of course, always having as a criterion for dialogue and the pass- boundary of the essential moral question: the transparency of who holds political roles or aspiring to do so, that does not end in criminal record linda (even necessary), is in fact the basis for the enjoyment of that credibility and trust that the community grants in recognize the roles of public responsibility. Moreover, the people increasingly see people for what they did in life, their history, the fact that did not bend to the stench of moral compromise.
Our country needs many Italians from the back straight.

Sporchiamoci all hands demonstrating that the dream of an Italy free, clean, honest and practical utopia we can realize. E 'need to work today, Es ist Zeit does not accept referrals.
not only because Berlusconi is a model in crisis in the autumn round of his coup, and even more worrying and dangerous, but also in the future: Berlusconi finished, do not automatically go down the sub-culture and political morality that has imposed for decades the country, infecting the core.
will be difficult to dispose of a legacy for us but that we must address now. Luigi de Magistris


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