Sunday, January 3, 2010

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indifferent and power Marisa Corazzola

The prevailing indifference with which the most expresses opinions of internal and international policy is a disturbing symptom of cerebral atrophy, masquerading as culture, the consumer system massmedialogico and is spreading in society. The fact that today all
feel able to express opinions and analysis is, in itself laudable, at least until it comes to deciding the formation of the national football team.
Unfortunately there is limited to what extent this power to critical issues such as peace, war, alliances, resource use, economic and political options becomes pernicious, since the sum of these reviews by affected by atrophy contributes to form that "public opinion" which is to weigh on results of the final choices.
This did not happen up to fifty or a hundred years ago (and it was worse) as part of the population reasoned that (unfortunately most of the time in a selfish way) was very small and the mass was not entitled to think.
Now nobody can say which of two evils is less than today, but everyone will realize that manipulation of the medium to hear from the TV, through the presentation of targeted certain realities rather than others in fund will approve two different scenarios .
Moral: people do not know how to think. The simple mechanism to collect data, analyze and then synthesize them in a balanced opinion, devoid of a sense of belonging, now seems to be lost.
We live in this culture, fast, superficial, immediate. Bombard us with images and news flash as mad, making us incapable of making us think and choose the most "sympathetic" and that seems more consistent with our immediate interests, without worrying about the consequences in the medium and long term. Two applicants made
constantly pushing me to write these lines, because they are the icon for this widespread system of non-thought.
"The Arabs attacked America on September 11, causing the greatest disaster in history.
is logical and fair that they have reacted in Afghanistan and Iraq. "
"We must be grateful to the Americans: If we had not been released, a million sacrificing their young lives, now we would still be under the Nazis."
At this point I can already see most of my few readers raised hands, red with anger.
clearly hear their thoughts: "this is the usual defeatist anti-American and communist."
I see with satisfaction that the indifference persists, and - if I "allowed" - I'm going to explain.
First, I have yet to "thank" Emilio Fede who, during the visit of Bush, dismissed the speech I am going to do with these words: "I do not understand why there are those who deny the president of a large state friend to us released and that we ensure democracy.
in the rest of the world are imbeciles. "
Thank you," faithful friend of the godfathers ", giving you back the" idiot " and pull forward. I love some
I love California, the air you breathe. I love the potential that prevails there and that allows everyone to work and to emerge. I love "American" Americans, multiethnic and multicultural, but that unanimous respect the founding principles of that democracy. I love the deserts of Arizona and the skyscrapers of New York. I love Michael Moore and those who think like him.
Many of my friends are Americans and are also fierce critics of that America that I am critical that provincial, indifferent, selfish, stupid and totally ignorant of history and what happens outside of your garden. That
devoted to consumerism wildest, most insane and coarse food, the most stupid prejudices.
What has grown to two hundred years combating racism and xenophobia anyone could undermine their privilege of driving a pick-up excessive spending less than one euro for a gallon of gasoline.
out some of the "fans" and the membership, I'll try to explain and demonstrate why the two assumptions mentioned above include only a part of the truth and deserve further consideration.
Gratitude is not a category of history, but the ethics of the individual. History is not made to feel by the sum of the individual, but each of opposing forces that defend their interest and its power. Politics is the art of harmonizing these forces. Rate
historical facts in terms of "good / evil" is simply incongruous, and then apply it to terms such as "gratitude" is a romantic mistake. Would be more correct to say that in a certain moment in time the two forces have a coincidence of interests.
coincidence that lasts as long as it lasts, nothing is due and then when it ceases to affect the course of events.
There are many tests that the majority of the American public, Congress, Senate, until Pearl Harbor, he was totally opposed intervention in Europe on the British side. Indeed we must
recognize that large sections of the finance industry and the U.S. did business with the Nazis even after the invasion of Poland, when the American Embassy in Berlin was a hotbed of business with Germany.
order to avoid further be said that romance, at once, the committed American industry prospered with the operation "Rent & Loans" through which the United States neutral "lending" tanks, planes, ships and guns, before the British, then to the Russians.
must however be acknowledged that the constant tendency to isolationism that had characterized the conduct of the United States up to that point, lingered to hear the Americans, who saw the European problem as something remote and alien.
Fortunately for Churchill (or, alternatively, for us as we are now - and not for us as we were then, and that is under one hundred thousand "that" balcony) at the White House that there was a mr. Roosevelt, who was endowed with great ambition, combined with intuition and sense of strategy.
Roosevelt had realized two things: •
if Hitler had taken over Europe and - above all - of Russia, winning the war by 1942 to 43 and had taken control of the oil resources of the Caspian and the Middle East, by 1950 the United States should not only fight a war of far greater proportions, but mainly because they would fight - for the first time in history - on their soil.
• If, on the contrary, with a relatively small sacrifice, had helped the British and the Russians in Africa and Europe sending their soldiers, and not just as he had done until then its own means, not only would have won, but especially would take a global leadership hitherto unthinkable.
Who knows the history knows that until the beginning of the period has been called "cold war" and which has seen former allies face each other for forty years, world domination was an 'affair' Anglo-French Roosevelt was the intuition of that led the United States on the path that now sees them as a single global leader. So
Roosevelt began an action, often underground, in which he opposed in the Senate, Congress and the public. This action ended only when the Japanese committed the "mistake" of Pearl Harbour.
Some claim that the American administration has done everything to provoke and facilitate the mistake and relieve the public.
Some people say the same things about September 11 ... To conclude: the Story for ¬ running trails that seem improbable, if not mysterious, complex and with automatic mechanical gears in which only the naive can see her alien categories such as friendship, loyalty, ethics or, indeed, gratitude.
Let visions of the kind of Emilio Fede regoliamoci and accordingly, judging each time within each scenario and whether the interests of part coincide or diverge from those of another, whether what seems to us "good and just "being reflected in the behavior of those we are judging the action, to associate or disassociate themselves from what they are doing.
In this case, what did the government "neo-conservative" in the U.S. in an attempt to ensure the maintenance of renewable energy and inspection of pipelines that distribute it, in his attempt to obstruct the process of inevitable emergence of China and India in the decades to come, not only was not "good and fair", but most did not coincide with the interests of Europe and then with our own.
We must all, however, realize that the potential substitution of the dollar against the euro in transactions involving the payment of energy supplies was the main nightmare dreams of Bush.
The process of moving to the east of the axis of economic influence inexorably and inevitably this century will see China as a protagonist.
So wake up from dreams and begin to judge fairness of terms.

and gratitude dedichiamola not "America", but only to those legions of unsuspecting young Americans who lie beneath the white crosses in cemeteries like those of Anzio and Nettuno.

And also to those sent to death over a thousand unconscious by an exalted in the earth Mesopotamia.
Personally, one by one.


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